39. come here, you can meet me in the back

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MY BRAIN HURTS. I keep glancing over at Haider nervously, wondering when he's going to pounce.

He's already hugged me once, seconds ago when we all arrived for dinner—earning him a special sort of stare from Aaron—and now he won't take his eyes off me. I sit at the head of this long table, with Isaac, Juliette, Kenji and Aaron all on my right. Haider is the only one on the left and he says the empty seat next to him is deliberate.

"You are truly. . ." Haider says to me, a spark of flirtation flashing in his eyes. "Magnificent. I wonder how someone your age could manage to rule an entire nation."

There's a hint of clear irritation in Aaron's eyes but he keeps his comments to himself, thank God.

"Thank you," I tell Haider. But I don't mean it. I don't enjoy the way he makes me feel.

"And is that enough for you, Warner?" He faces Aaron. "A pretty face? And you so easily betray your friends?"

"If you've come here to fight," he says, "please, let's not bother eating dinner."

Haider laughs out loud. Picks up his water glass. "Not yet, habibi." He takes a drink. Sits back. "There's always time for dinner."

"Where is your sister?" I ask curiously. "How come you didn't arrive together?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"

I look up, surprised to find Nazeera standing at the door. She studies the room, her eyes lingering on my face just a second longer than everyone else's, and takes her seat without a word. She's gorgeous. She shares nearly all of her brother's physical attributes: the long, thick lashes, the beautiful brown skin that matches with the honey-warm eyes. The only difference is that she's wearing a shawl which I believe is illegal nowadays. Even more reason to like her.

"Everyone, this is Nazeera," Haider says, jumping to his feet with a wide smile. He wraps an arm around his sister's shoulder even as she ignores him. "She'll be here for the duration of my stay. I hope you will welcome her as warmly as you've welcomed me."

Nazeera does not say hello. Despite her silence, I'm intimidated. I don't know what to make of her but she's stunning and seemingly attentive.

"You cover your hair now?"

At this, she looks up, meets Aaron's eyes. She takes a long sip of her tea and studies him. And then, finally—

Says nothing.

I feel my lips rise into a smile. I think I'm going to get along with this girl. Well, that is if she ever talks.

"So you don't think anyone will notice? That you cover your hair?" It's Kenji, speaking and chewing at the same time. His voice snatches my attention and I cringe.

Nazeera stabs at a piece of lettuce on her plate. Eats it.

"I mean you have to know," Kenji says to her, still chewing, "that what you're wearing is an offense punishable by imprisonment."

Mastermind, Aaron Warner Where stories live. Discover now