51. all's well that ends well to end up with you

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"AND I WAS like, "there's no way she's actually believing the bullshit coming out of her mouth, right?"

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"AND I WAS like, "there's no way she's actually believing the bullshit coming out of her mouth, right?"

Aaron seems to be fighting a smile as he looks at me, his hands playing with the hair of mine that falls down my back. We only woke up ten minutes ago, naked and starving. Thankfully, the others seemed to have left some food outside our room and we brought it in. Now I'm eating my strawberries and enjoying the taste of non-poisoned food. Assholes.

It was also ten minutes ago that Aaron told me how he tried to kill his father only to then discover that he braided some of his DNA with Sonya and Sara's back when they were his hostages. Basically he's invincible. But neither of us believe that. Anyway, that got us to talking about our fun little trips away.

"And she full-on did!" I exclaim, hugging the sheet closer to my body. "She's insane! Or, she was. Bitch."

Aaron merely stares at me, taking in my words. "Truly."

"Right?" I say with wide eyes. "I was embarrassed for her, like—woman, my mind hasn't actually been wiped, your shit didn't work."

He's leaning against the headboard of the bed and staring. He's always staring. Not creepily, obviously. But in the type of way that makes me think I might be a masterpiece of a renaissance painting. He's the type of man to make a girl feel that way.

"Anyway," I put the empty bowl back onto the bedside table and offer Aaron a weak smile. "Hi."

He cracks that gorgeous smile. "Hi."

I cant my head to the side. "You keep looking at me like that and I won't be getting dressed any time soon."

His cheeks go pink but that dimpled smile remains. "Don't challenge me. You'll lose, love."

I laugh, hopping out of bed so I don't risk another. . .you know what, and pull on my pajamas. I hear a groan behind me and I spin, ready to look straight ahead but there he is: Aaron is on his knees on the mattress, his hands wrapped around my waist as he gazes up at me.

I suck my teeth. "That's also unfair, you can't do that either. Sorry."

"Please," he croaks out. "Kiss me."

"Ugh, this is unfair—"

"Just one—"

"—too handsome—"

And before I know it, he's tugging my face down gently and pressing his lips to mine. I lean closer, my hands finding his hair and pulling him nearer me. Even this feels too far away. I truly believe this man is my other half. I don't even care how cheesy it sounds, that's how much I love him.

"Okay," I kiss his cheek and straighten my back again. "That's enough. You're actually too good looking. It's revolting."

He grins, big and shy. He flushes and says, "I'm not all that handsome and perfect as you claim."

"Perfect?" I gasp dramatically. "I never called you perfect, mister! Humble yourself, Aaron Warner. Want me to pull that stick out of your ass?"

He chuckles softly. "You realize I sense everything you feel?"

This time, I feel my own cheeks betray me with a mortifying flush. "Yeah, whatever, honey. You realize I don't need to have your power to know how you feel about me when all you do is blush in my presence?"

He blushes. Again. I laugh loudly, throwing my head back. Aaron climbs off the bed as I'm laughing and slips on a his pants. Then he's towering over me and tenderly grabbing my face and kissing me all over it. My giggles only increase. It's bad how lovey-dovey I sound. I'm pathetic when I'm around him. Melted and gone.

"You're. . ." I laugh. "Dumb."

His final kiss lands on my lips and he smiles. Big and beautiful. "You are perfect."

I shrug despite the overwhelming love I feel in my bones. "Duh."

"Oh?" Aaron chuckles. "Maybe humility isn't your strength either, Mara Lockhart."

I raise my eyebrows. "Are you asking for a breakup?"

More fear flickers in those green eyes.

I can't help but laugh again. Not at him but more so that I can't believe he's real sometimes. "Oh, honey, you have to know I'm kidding. We're not over. Never ever. I love you too much. You're stuck with me."

The amusement in his eyes bleeds into genuine love. Fucker. I love him. He breathes out, "I can't believe you love me sometimes."

"Of course I do," I frown, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You're my favorite person, Aaron."

It occurs to me then how different I feel about him. How the very same and how very different my feelings for him have evolved. I've loved him for years, nonetheless. But now. . ? He feels so familiar. And this reunion is so different than the last. Last time I was abducted and I had a lot of healing to do—I still do, don't get me wrong—and now I'm reuniting with him because he's the cure.

"When I say you're perfect," I say to him, "it's because I mean it. It's so very easy to fall in love with you."

He looks overwhelmed. Like he can't quite believe the words despite the fact that I'm saying them aloud. He's always like this. Always surprised when I reveal how much I adore him. How I would die for him if it came to it. I mean, the man can feel it and he still can't believe it.

He kisses my forehead and his lips linger there for a moment. Two. Three. Then he pulls back and he hugs me close. Vulnerably. It's strange how protective I feel over him. But then it never is. I've consistently felt like this for him. No one else does. No one else feels the need to protect him but he's all I have. I'm all he has. He's everything to me. It shocks me more than most of how little others desire to protect him.

"Remind me every day," he whispers against my lips, "to thank the universe for you."

My heart thunders in my chest. He's so new and so familiar at the same time. "If you say so," I murmur. He laughs and everything is worth it.


very short chapter but i thought this one deserved its own!! 💗💗💗

Mastermind, Aaron Warner Where stories live. Discover now