15. my hands are shaking from holding back from you

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Isaac just sat me and Juliette down to "properly" explain how his powers work. Apparently, he can manipulate his own body and mind into thinking that he's fine whenever anything harms him. For instance, the guy could get shot and he'd be able to convince himself he's alright to the point where he actually is, meaning the bullet wouldn't be deadly to him. Uncomfortable, sure, but not harmful. When it comes to Juliette, he told us that it burns lightly for the first few seconds because he hasn't gained full control of his abilities yet, but Sonya, Sara and Castle have already confirmed that she'd never be able to really hurt him to the point of perhaps killing him, so it's okay.

"Woah," I say, resting my head on Kenji's shoulder. Then I perk up and frown, looking at him. "Hey, how come you knew all of that but I didn't?"

Isaac cringes. "Uhh. . ."

Juliette looks around the room like the ceiling's more interesting than me.

Kenji shrugs. "You'd probably end up telling Brendan or Winston or some shit."

My jaw drops. "What the—" I'm offended. Very offended. Do I gossip? Sure. But it's healthy. . .right? "Okay, and even if I had, why would it be so bad for me to tell people? His power isn't dangerous."

"Yeah, but because Warner was getting closer and closer to Point by the day," explains Isaac, "we were worried that someone might accidentally blabber the wrong thing and then it'd be out in the open, meaning the guy would have even more reasons to kill me. Us."

That reminder hits me like a speeding truck. "Oh. Warner."

Kenji beams, sarcasm oozing from his voice when he says, "Yeah. Great guy, isn't he? Real treat."

Juliette pinches him and he squeaks.

Isaac clears his throat and leans forward. "We're not mad, you know that, don't you?"


"To be fair," adds Kenji, "we weren't super clear about our feelings, but, uh, we figured we don't have the right to be mad at you considering you had no idea who he was and what he'd done. Plus, it's in the past. It's not like you're sleeping with him now, are you?"

I shake my head quickly. They give me suspicious looks and my eyes grow wide. "I'm not!"

"It's okay," Juliette chuckles, "we believe you."

"But, uh, guess what?" Isaac says.

I offer him a lined smile, my cheeks bundling up. "What?"

"It isn't happy news," buts in Juliette, an irritated flash in her eyes as she stares at the boys like they're giving me false hope.

Kenji sighs. "The bastard—Warner, by the way—is now being considered one of us by Castle."

"What?" My eyes are blinking wildly, trying to find the answers in the faces of my friends.

Mastermind, Aaron Warner Where stories live. Discover now