25. scratches down your back now

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I THROW MYSELF onto the bed as soon as we arrive in Aaron's room.

With a groan, I shake my head. "I had never hated anyone before I met Adam Kent, you know?"

The tip of Aaron's mouth lifts as he takes off his jacket. "Care to elaborate?"

"Do I really have to?" I support my body by leaning on my elbows. "I mean, not only is he insanely embarrassing by being delusional about him and Juliette still being together but he told everyone about us before I could!" I drop on my back again, covering my face. "I can't with him—seriously, I'm going to rip his fucking face off one day."

I can hear the smirk in Aaron's tone when he says, "I never expected you to be so violent, love."

"I am when it comes to him,"

"But you're. . .you're not angry that he told the others about us because it's. . .me, are you?"

Instantly, I jump up and get to my feet. "No, no, of course not," I reassure him. "I just. . .I wanted to be the one to tell them because, knowing Adam, he probably twisted a bunch of things to make them hate you even more."

"Wonderful," Aaron mutters.

I cringe. "I'm sorry,"

"It's not your fault," he says, "and it isn't as if I'm seeking their approval. For all I care they could trip over a branch and die."

My jaw unhinges. "Dude. . ."

"Dude?" he repeats, saying the word like it's a slur he's so disgusted to have heard in his presence.

I hold him at arm's length and look deep into his eyes. "Aaron, you beautiful moron, that is exactly why they dislike you. You don't care about their well-being whatsoever—"

"Do they care about mine?" he argues.

I stammer. "Uh—well, I don't know but—"

"There you go,"

I cup his face and his gaze flickers to my lips momentarily. "I care about you. Isn't that enough?"

He pauses, something shifting in his eyes, turning more emotional and vulnerable than his usual, guarded and unwavering stare. "You know the answer to that, Mara. Of course it is."

A smile creeps onto my lips. "See? That's all I wanted—a chance to show them "Hey, guys, he's actually super nice and he's super romantic around me and he really does care, I swear," instead of the mindset they've already chosen in which you're an evil mastermind."

Aaron frowns. "I don't need you to do that. As I said, I don't need their approval and certainly not appreciation—"

"Stop it with the whole pride thing," I cut him off, "I want them to know you like I know you."

Mastermind, Aaron Warner Where stories live. Discover now