Face It

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Rhodes Beverley

I wondered how tonight was going to go.

I'd watched her try on dresses, casual clothes, anything the past two nights and I found it adorable she wanted to please me.

But she settled on casual.

I sighed, knowing I had to leave.

Or I could pick her up.

I opted for the latter.

I was already ready. Just a T-shirt and pants.

I walked to her door, knocking.

I heard tumbling before she opened the door, smiling, her dimples showing.

"Hi, I'm not quite done. I know it's not a big deal but it is to me so-" I walked past her, sitting at her dining table, offering her time.

"Great. Thanks." She tan back into her room and shut the door.

"I give up." She walked out.

Her curly blonde hair was atop her head in a bun, some of the spirals framing her face

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Her curly blonde hair was atop her head in a bun, some of the spirals framing her face.

I loved that it was natural. I wondered where she got them from.

Her green eyes were bright, her freckles coming out with the black of her shirt.

"Done." She said.

I stood, opening her front door.

She came out, I shut the door and she locked it.

I got to my car, opening the door and she got in.

"Thank you." She said.

I got in my side.

"You like cooking?" She asked as I began driving.

I nodded.

"You look slightly Italian." She guessed.

"I'll take that as a yes." She inferred and I threatened a smile.

"What? Why are you smiling I said nothing bad. Did I?" She tried to recall.

I felt the urge to reach for her hand, to remove it from her mouth as she toyed with her lip.

But I didn't.

I needed self control before trying to attempt gentleness.

She snorted and I turned my head in her direction.

"I was about to ask why you don't talk but duh. God I'm awful at this." She looked out the window and I kept my attention on the road.

I did feel bad, I had no conversation to offer. But I was a selfish man, getting to enjoy the company of the woman he'd merely adored from afar.

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