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Rhodes becomes toxically clingy. He needs her, soooo if you wanna complain, this is your warningggg.

Rhodes Beverley

I panicked, I hated her leaving me to use the bathroom, to get water.

I watched, waiting for her to come back.

"Beverley, she's fine, she'll be back." Maddie came over to sit on the tattoo table.

She didn't understand me.

So I waited, ignoring her.

"Do you have my stencil?" She asked.

"He does. He's just... grumpy is the term." Cecelia gave me a small smile like a "sorry for saying that".

But I could give less of a fuck.

I was in my tattoo chair.

I stood, walking into the back.

She came with me.

"I know your having a hard time. But you need to do your job and not look for me all the time. You'll be alright." She rubbed my arm when I washed my hands, pulling on my gloves.


I walked out, grabbing the stencil.

I put it exactly where Maddie wanted it, on her arm, before grabbing my tray and pulling it beside me as I sat back in my chair.

I sat, looking at Cecelia, pointing between my legs.

"I can sit over-"

I felt my jaw tick in irritation.

"Okay." She whispered.

She came, sitting between my legs like the good girl she was.

I had no patience, I needed to think of anything but what I felt earlier.

She laid her head down on my inner thigh, relaxing.

Her hands moved under my sweats and she held onto my ankles.

I took a deep breath as I turned on the gun, beginning the outline with the black.


"Rhodes?" Cecelia murmured.

I put the ink down, touching her head as I did the last line.

"I'm hungry." She whispered.

I chewed my cheek, thinking of places around here.

"I could go to Panda real quick." She said.

Not without me because you didn't use my card when I said to.

And it's dark.

I put the gun down, grabbing the paper towel, wiping the ink.

"I need a break, I'm fucking starving." Maddie groaned.

"Panda?" She asked me.

I looked down at Cecelia.

"He said yeah. Come on people." Cecelia stood, using my legs to balance herself.

"How do you know he said yes?" Maddie hopped off the table.

"He's easy to read."

"You're high." Maddie laughed.

"Possibly." She shrugged.

She reached to grab her wallet in her purse but I grabbed her hand, making her cry, I took it from her, putting it in my pocket.

"No! You're not gonna let me-ugh." She groaned.

I put my hand out, waiting. 

She crossed her arms, pouting.

"Let me pay." She said.

"He looks angry... I'm just gonna go. Rip to you Cecelia. Absolutely gorgeous woman, I'll put it on your tombstone." Maddie walked out and I kept my eyes on her.

"Please? Please Rhodes? Pretty please with a ton of cherries?" She begged.

I loved the way she sounded when she didn't get what she wanted.

"Hand." I said.

She turned away from me.

I slapped her ass and she yelped.

"Now." I felt my lip curl in annoyance.

"Or what? I'll run." She began walking to the door.

I sighed. Letting her.

"Why aren't you stopping me? That's scarier than you stopping me why aren't you stopping me?" She panicked.

I clicked my ring twice on the counter.

Two strikes.

"No! Please I'm asking something so simple! I just wanted to-"


She groaned, angrily stomping to me.

She put her hand out.

"You're a-already at 3." I whispered.

"Wait no! What does that mean?" She was being a brat and I wasn't loving it.

I pulled her into the back, bending her over the sink.

"You h-have three ch-chances to s-say no." I whispered, sliding my hand under the band of her pajama pants.

"Yes." She whispered.

I took a breath, rubbing my fingers over her clit.

She whimpered.

I watched.

I touched her, only doing what I was sure of.

I rubbed in circles, feeling her wetness cover my fingertips as I welcomed the feeling.

I made her moan, cry, I just watched.

"Fuck- yes- oh my god." She groaned.

So sensitive. So easy to please.

I watched her get close, closer, closer.

I stopped.

"No!" She cried, a literal dramatic sob.

"That's what th-that means." I warned, grabbing her hand, walking her to Panda.

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