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Rhodes Beverley

I got out of the shower, drying myself off.

My phone went off and I walked to my room, wrapping the towel around my waist.

I answered, seeing it was Cecelia.

I held it to my ear.

She giggled.

"Hi Rhodes, I-I am Uhm-" she began slurring.

"Fuck Cecelia." I whispered, pulling on shorts and whatever top was closest to me.

"I love when you say my name." She laughed.

"S-stay there." I grabbed my keys, running down the stairs.

I pulled up her location, she was walking down the street.

I lifted the phone to my ear.

"C-Cecelia." I said.

"Ca-can you he-hear me?" I asked.

"Mmhm. You sound so good." She slurred.

"Go ba-back t-to the bar. Pl-please." I got in my car, backing out, running every stop sign when people were visible.

"Fine. You gonna be my Uber?" She giggled.

Something like that.

I sped, wishing it wasn't 25 minutes from my damn house.

I took a deep breath.

She was fine.

"Y-you at t-the ba-bar?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Yep. I'm freaking tired man. Actually no, hungry. I want... uhmmm... ice cream. No... I want, what do I want? Rhodes, what do I want?" She asked.

"I-I don't kn-know baby." I whispered.

"No! I want Panda. No I already had that sometime. Uhm... spicy. Spicy ramen! That's what I want. It's so rude, the man won't give me another shot." She scoffed.

I shut my eyes for a split second.

I parked, grabbing my keys, shoving them in my pocket as I ran to the door of the club, opening it.

She was dancing by all these people.

I wanted to vomit, it smelt so bad.

I felt myself slipping from why I was here.



I gagged, covering my mouth with my hand.

My body began trembling.

I took three breaths, trying to find her so I didn't have to go blindly.

I held my breath, walking in between people, being grabbed and touched.

I gagged.

I felt my skin ripple in goosebumps, begging for another shower.

I found her, grabbing her and her friend.

"Hey Rhodes." She smiled at me.

"He's so fine." Her friend said and I bent down, tossing Cecelia over my shoulder while leading her friend out by her jean jacket.

I pulled down Cecelia's dress, going outside into the cold air.

I set Cecelia down.

"Y-you ha-have your s-stuff?" I asked.

"My car is still here." She frowned.

"I can drive it!" Her friend said.

God I didn't sign up to be a babysitter.

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