Celia Mavis Beverley

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Rhodes Beverley

"It hurts." She whispered, bouncing on the ball.

"I know." I frowned, overwhelmed with seeing her begin her pain when her water hadn't even broken yet.

I dialed the midwife.

"Hey Rhodes, what's up?" She asked.

"Cecelia is having c-contractions but h-her water hadn't broke." I had no idea how this exactly worked.

"That's alright, it happens hun, to enduce what she might need, take her on a walk, sex works, nipple stimulation if you bought any pumps yet, spicy food, these are all more or less a way to help her, but when it breaks, don't rush her to the hospital yet, just call me back." She said.

"Thanks." I hung up.

"We can walk to the gas station for spicy chips? I also want chocolate milk." She said.

I nodded.

"Rhodes." She said and I looked at her.

"Don't get in your head. I'll be alright, I just have a big job to do and my body will be tired. I'll need your help but you have to let me know if you need help in return." She nodded.

"Okay." I helped her up.

I got her changed into warmer clothes, and we began walking outside.

She stopped, clutching my wrist.

"What if it breaks when I'm on the sidewalk?" She looked worried, holding her belly.

"It's okay. You're wearing a d-diaper thing, it'll c-catch it, we c-can still walk after." I nodded.

"Okay." She took a deep breath, holding onto me firmly as we slowly walked to the gas station that was literally right down the road from our house.

I walked behind her, helping her with every step, pausing with her ever pain she had.

We got there and she was out of breath.

"What kind o-of chips?" I asked.

She grabbed these Turbos curly ones and immediately grabbed a chocolate milk.

"Anything else?"

She looked at me.

Then she frowned.

"Can I get another?" She asked about the chocolate milk.

"Of course baby." I opened the door for her and she grabbed a strawberry milk.

"I don't even like these." She smiled at me, waddling to the counter.

She set the stuff down.

"How are you guys doing?" The man smiled.

"About to have my baby." She answered and I moved her so she didn't touch the nasty counter before paying.

"Good luck! I hope all goes well, god bless your family." He handed me the bag and I took it.

"Have a great day." She immediately moved to walk out of the door which I luckily got to open for her before she walked out.

She turned, staring at me.

I grabbed the chocolate milk, undoing the seal and handing it to her.

She sipped it and groaned.

"So good." She shook her head.

I smiled.

We walked back, slower than coming here so she could just walk, having what she wanted.


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