Sweet Girl

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Rhodes Beverley

She called.

"Hey." She said and I shut my eyes, listening, my hand around my dick, currently.

"Uhm, would you mind if I came over in like an hour?" She asked, sounding giddy.

"That's f-fine." I gritted.

"Okay. See you then." She hung up.

I sighed, my head falling back as I felt my release.

I realized my reality was fucking sad.


I dried myself, pulling on sweats.

There was a knock on the door.

I put on deodorant, going downstairs.

I opened the door and she held a bouquet of flowers.

She smiled, the flowy, short white dress she wore blowing with the wind.

"I picked them." She handed them to me.

I looked at the variety, seeing daisies, dandelions, purple little flowers.

I walked to the kitchen as she came in.

I filled a small glass of water and placed them inside.

I looked at her, she watched the TV, Shameless on.

Her skin began its tan since it was getting to be very warm.

I clicked my ring on the counter and she turned, walking to me.

"Yeah?" She asked when right in front of me.

I was pleased with how she responded.

I grabbed her chin, pecking her lips, getting used to the chapstick she wore.

Step two of intimacy. First was just being okay with contact. I did that.

Now it was to get used to the way she felt on my lips.

She hummed, her hands landing on my chest.

I pulled back, moving a curl from her face.

"W-why'd you c-come over?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"Felt like it. And when I called you I found a little patch of land with flowers." She said.

Wish I could say the same.

"Thank y-you." I whispered.

She smiled.

"Can I hug you?" She asked and I pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her.

I understood why she asked. She wore a spaghetti strap dress, I had no shirt.

But I wanted her to hug me without question. And I think we were getting there. I was getting there.

She always tried hiding her face in my chest and I just stood there while she pushed her face harder on my chest like my skin would open and just take her.

"You smell good." She said.

I smiled. She couldn't tease if she couldn't see.

I picked her up, placing her on the island.

"Do you still have the chicken ramen?" She asked.

"I-I'm shock-cked you rem-remember." I teased, grabbing it.

"Yeah yeah. Don't make fun." She scoffed.

I handed her the Naked smoothie from my fridge and she opened it, taking a sip.

"Yum." She sighed.

"I work tonight. In like 2 hours." She groaned.

I listened to her vent about hating waitressing, but loved bartending. About how she was so confused by me for months. About how she was so glad she sat by me. About how she struggled seeing people get so wasted after coming in miserable.

I listened to it all, handing her the ramen that was ready.

Even after I handed it to her, she said "thank you" but kept speaking.

I savored every word, every feeling she had.

Speaking about children. How she wished she could be an aunt but she's an only child. How she wished she could've been a babysitter as a teen.

I took all of it in. Locking it in my brain. My heart. My existence that was dedicated to her.

She was my purpose, the only reason I wanted to face anything ever.

She made me better, her compassion and empathy for everyone, especially me was something I felt my heart hammer over.

Her sobs yesterday were for me. She thought she hurt me. She cried for me. I never cried for myself.

So I listened. To the woman I cherished.

She spoke on behalf of being a people pleaser and how she wished she could make her face like mine so she didn't have to give a fuck.

But I knew that was because she was insecure. And that broke my heart.

She wanted to get along with everyone, some people just didn't enjoy her company.

And it made her hurt. I've seen it happen so many times.

My sweet girl.

She finished her ramen, I gave a zebra cake and she gasped.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

I didn't bother to tell her it was also from the other night.

"Do you work?" She asked.

I shook my head no.

She yawned.

"Nap." I said.

"No it's okay-"

I disapproved of her response and she saw that, not speaking, waiting for me to correct why I disapproved.

"Sleep. I-I'll have yo-you up in time." I said.

She nodded.

"Good girl." I took the bowl from her, leading her to the couch, having her lie down, covering her with a blanket and immediately her eyes fell, clouding with exhaustion.

I kissed her temple.

I stood, doing light stuff till I knew she was out, leaving and getting her work clothes.

My Cecelia.

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