Author's Rant

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After speaking with a fellow Wattpadian, I have come to a decision.

I am not going to continue putting myself on here for free. I know I've said countless of times that I'm not a fan of popularity, and I'm still not, but here's how I see it: I'm not quite sure that some of you grasp the fact that I am putting myself out there with my story; I'm a perfectionist and lack confidence in my work, however I'm giving you something I am trying to be proud of. I'm literally putting all that I have into my writing, baring all of it to you guys. Therefore, and I quote, "sharing your work is hard, and I need to see some kind of tangible payoff."  

I've received rude comments in the past, due to asking for feedback and votes. A lot of readers don't appreciate feeling the pressure to vote or comment. However, I feel pressure having to update, to give you something great to read, and I'd like to see visible appreciation. Whether that's via votes or feedback, either is going to calm my nerves. If a "popular" writer who is considered the epitome of writing can ask for votes and feedback and actually get the votes and feedback, why can't a dedicated writer such as myself ask? 

I mean, try this on for size—I have over 900,000 reads, but only 14,500 votes. Now, go to the What's Hot List, and check out those who have the same amount of reads, but 10 times the amount of votes than me. And here I am, working my ass off to give something unique and unpredictable compared to most of the mess on the WHL, and I'm getting less support. This one chick's story has just dialogue, no description or plot idea, errors with every sentence, and she gets thousands of votes per chapter. I mean, the heck's up with that?  

Now, don't twist my words around! I'm not saying I want thousands of votes for each chapter, I am simply saying that the reads and the votes should not be so far apart. If I get 20,000 reads for a chapter, I should at least get 1,000 votes. Obviously these 20,000 people are enjoying my story, and so I want to see your appreciation. Especially after seeing some of the most senseless, idiotic stories on the WHL reaching more and more readers every minute. The vote button is there for a reason. Regular readers are coming along, reading every update, but not supporting it. You obviously enjoy my story since you come back for more, so why can't you click a simple button? Or write a small comment?  

You either like my story, or you don't. If you don't, oh well, sorry I can't entertain you. If you do, take five seconds to support it. I'm not saying that I'll hate you forever if you don't vote, I'm simply asking you to support my story in any obvious way that you can, if my story is deserving. If it's not deserving of the votes or feedback, why the fudge are you still reading it!?  

Wattpad wouldn't have provided a vote button or a comment option if it had no reasoning behind it.

If you like a chapter, use them people!  

Yes, I'm writing for myself, but it's not the only reason I publish my work. If I was only writing for myself, I wouldn't have bothered posting my story on the World Wide Web! I'm here to get support for what I create. I'm on this site to share what I have, and have it be appreciated if deserved.  

I'm gonna be real about this. If you have an issue with me requesting votes and feedback, you know where the Unfollow button is. Any and all abusive comments will be deleted. If you don't like something I've said, keep it to yourself and just let it go. Because I've made my decision, and if you're going to tell me that it's wrong, I can honestly say that I don't care.  

I think one of the many reasons people don't feel the need to vote or comment is because I've been really lenient. This year, I accepted the fact that a lot of you just don't want to vote. You've probably thought "heck, she said she doesn't care about votes or feedback, so I just won't bother." I was fine with that, I still updated, still added my all into every chapter. And then after having a long discussion with a fellow writer, I realised I'd been running myself dry for you guys and not getting the payoff for it. 

Hell, this message is a risk. I could lose fans for this. But it had to be done. I had to share my thoughts. Whether you think it's right or wrong, it's how I feel. I'm not going to hold back anymore and come across as weak.  

By all means, feel free to leave your opinion, but if it's negative and rude, you'd have wasted your time because it will be removed.

I realise this can lose me readers, and possibly even respect. It's just tiring trying to give you something, and not getting consistent support for it. I realise this is a free reading site, but if you can spend five minutes reading it, you can take five seconds to show support.  If you've left positive feedback, why can't you back it up with a vote?

Dedicated fans: I do love you guys, and for the most part this rant hasn't been about you. Although I would understand if it changes your opinion of me. Your support has gotten me this far, and it's what's been keeping me going all this time. I just wish I had more of you guys. I've been happy with your constant support, and appreciate it a whole lot, but after seeing the stories on the WHL, things just haven't been adding up. If a story with no structure or originality can—somehow—get appreciation for uploading, surely a devoted writer such as myself can?  

I just hope some of you can see this from my point of view.

If you can't, then don't even waste your time commenting. I'm sick of people instantly assuming and dubbing me as someone who wants popularity. I don't know how many times I can say that I have no interest in becoming popular, but it never seems to sink into anyone's heads. I don't demand anything, I simply ask for more support if it's deserved. Nothing else. 

That's it.

Thank you for reading,

Tiana Jade.

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