Destined Love - Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty:

I stumble backwards, my arm falling away from Tristan's throat as I reach out for a surface to right my balance. My hand connects with the arm of a chair, and I wrap my fingers around the metal as I try to force my mind to comprehend Tristan's words. I want to believe that he's lying, that he's making this up to grate at my nerves, but with everything he's said there's no possible way that he's sprouting a lie—he would only ever know something like that if he's experienced it himself.

Two of us, sent to the same town, by the same angel, possibly for the same reason? My jaw clenches so tightly that it sends a bolt of pain through the muscles of my face. How many people have passed through after death and been greeted by Raziel? Dozens, hundreds...thousands? Were they all given the same choice?

Surely this goes against some Heavenly rule...

I feel, rather than hear, a growl leave my throat. I was never someone special, but when Raziel offered me a second chance I thought he saw something in me that I couldn't see within myself, that I was significant enough to be given such a rare and once unthinkable opportunity. Now I wonder if all that sentimental bullshit was just part of some game, or a sadistic experiment—Raziel is an angel, who would ever believe he had his own hidden agenda? Heck, even I made the assumption that all of this had to be legitimate considering he is a celestial being.

Seems as if, no matter your rank in this world—or out of this world—everyone wants something from you at some point. Nothing is ever free. Not even for angels.

"Kade." Off in the distance, a voice breaks through my internal fury. "Kade, your face is bright red. Breathe, please."

I blink, regaining my focus—without even realising it, it's as if I'd gone blind with rage. My ears pop, one at a time, and I'm able to hear the natural noises around me against the previously deafening static of my mind.  As my eyes refocus, I notice Tristan's face centimetres from my own.

"I am breathing. Get the fuck outta my face."

He takes several steps backwards. "Your face looked as if it was going to explode from the lack of oxygen."

I straighten my rigid back. "Move out of my way, I can't be in here without wanting to beat you blind."

The walls feel as if they're closing in on me; I need fresh air before I lose all self-control. I push passed him and reach for the door handle, but Tristan shoves his body in front of mine.

"That's it? You don't want to talk about any of this?"

"I want nothing to do with Raziel's fantasy game. Whatever he has planned, I'll have no part in it."

Tristan's brow furrows. "This isn't a game, Kade. This is a gift. Raziel saw something in us, saw a part of himself in us. There's no ulterior motive—he's simply given us what he could never give himself."

"So we're either a charity case or his damn puppets. Fucking perfecto." I spit.

His arms continue to barricade the door. "Neither. This is a miracle—"

"Bull-fucking-shit. Do you really expect me to believe that we were both sent to the same town out of the goodness of his heart? You're delusional. An idiota."

"Maybe if we share our stories, we can figure that out," he offers.

"Maybe if you don't move out of the way, I can knock you out."

My threat goes right over his head. "Let me at least share my story. Can we talk after work?"

The word "no" forms on my tongue, but my mind forces me to re-think my response. Should I really pass up the opportunity on getting some answers? The things I've questioned while here could finally be answered. Tristan has been here longer, maybe he's discovered things that could help me. Surely I can endure a few more hours around this pendejo if it means it'll benefit me.

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