chapter four

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Update: After almost a year I finally realized I implied that somehow a couch gave them an obsticle course instead of a coach so yeah. S'all good now. It's fixed. 


"You know I don't do gym, Bri!"

Sometimes my best friend can be a pain, but at that moment, she's was right.

"You think I do, Mal?"

Malia just rolled her eyes as she attempted to climb the ropes for an "obsticle course" our obnoxious coach set up. Malia is my best friend, I guess. We don't have sleep overs and finish each other's sentences ans all that shit, because we both don't roll like that, and that's something we've bonded over. We also dont spend every waking second with each other, we just hang out.

Mal jumped down from the rope she held onto with a huff. " Explanation, now"

I stared at her in confusion, not really grasping her demand. This girl and her confusing words.

" Why the fuck do I have to hear from a freshman in the bathroom that you walked in this morning with Shawn Mendes?" Shit.

" You heard about that?" My voice lowered slightly.

" Yeah, I did. And I also saw your many make-out sessions soon after," Malia wiggled her eyebrows at me and poked my sides, " Now spill! When, why, how?"

"Well first of all, why are you creeping on me as I kiss someone? And yesturday, because he's nice and not a shitty ass-crack, and it just happened, I guess,"

"Why didn't I know of this? Why wasn't I informed?" She cried loudly.

" Shut the hell up, Mal! It's not a big deal, I like him and he likes me, okay? We started talking and that's all there is too it,"

Her eyes shrunk into slits but chose to let it go.

" Alright, ladies! Go get changed and leave, y'all make me sick!" Coach Marx decided was a good thing to cry out today. We all piled out of that gym and headed to the locker room in hopes of getting out of these sweaty uniforms.

After many cough attacks from excessive perfume and changing into my regular clothes, I managed to push my way through the wave of girls. I always had a free period after gym because I took an extra two classes last year that sumed up the ones I get to skip. So, I made my way out of the building and to the small vending machine to supress after-lunch hunger.

With a snickers bar and lemonade in hand, I began to walk away to my locker. Black vans were visible at the corner where my locker was and I already knew who waited there. An involuntary smile etched its way onto my face. Weird...

It fell when I saw my poor child with his head in his hands. He was shaking as muffled sobs left his mouth. Everything fell from my hands and I ran over to him.

" Honey, what's wrong?"

Shawn's beautiful face lifted as soon as he heard my voice and he embraced me. I cradled the boy, much like a few days ago in that janitors closet, and let him have a moment.

" C-carson ruined y-your flowers," he stuttered in a whisper.

My confused eyes moved down to a smashed bouquet of pink daisies laying next to him. My favorite flower.

" Carson did this? Wait what the fuck!" My eyes widened at Shawn's busted lip and purpling cheek. " Shawn, honey, what did they do?"

Shanw sobbed once and started to talk, " I knew you had a free period after Gym, which was mine too, so I skipped math and went to get you some flowers. When I got back, I waited by your locker so I could surprise you, but he found me. A bunch of his friends held me while he punched me and stepped on the flowers. He kept telling me you were his and that I had to back off. I'm sorry, Bee"

*insert heart-break now*

"Oh, darling. Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong. And don't listen to them, I'm not his. He cheated on me and I'm done with him. He can go choke on a stick," I cooed slightly.

"B-but he ruined y-your flowers,"

My body straddled his slightly and I held his face in my hands. This boy's got me all heart-eye emoji.

"It's okay, honey. Don't worry,"

My whispers seemed to calm him down as he nodded his head against mine.

This is still fake...right?


Okay people, you are amazing! When I come onto my account to write, I'm beginning to be bombarded with notifications and it makes me so happy. This story is growing faster than any of my books have. I know it's still not very popular, but still, thank you:) I really appreciate all the votes and reads y'all leave me. Shawnie's the best, bye!

(P.S Malia is played by Andrea Russet:)


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