chapter thirteen

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(Not edited)


High School is what you make it. If you're going to spend your four years here not giving a shit about what other people say and just do what is necessary to get out of this hell hole, then good on you. If you choose to spend it on doing whatever the fuck you want and not get shit done, well have fun with that as well. Personally, I cannot wait to leave this place and venture off to a place where no one cares who you are and no one gives a rat's ass about what color you got your iphone in. 

Walking down the halls when it's crowded with teens that reak of cheap body spray and despiraton is easily one of the worst things that comes with being in the ol' secondary school. And for me to say I was so happy to be walking around during my free period without that around me, was an understatement. As I walked, I felt that moment of de ja vu you get as I remebered how Shawn and I met. Him cryin about a rat that broke his heart in a janitors closet as I skipped class and found him in tears.

It became even more real as I heard the same kind of sobs coming from the same closet. Too much reliving in a day. I decided to be the nice person I was and check on whoever was about to choke on their own sadness. 


I knocked on the door and opened it slightly, not finding Shawn but Penny. 

When she saw me, she tried throwing an extra toilet paper roll and vigorously wiped her tears.

" Get the fuck out!" 

" What's the matter with you?" I asked quietly, but still adding attitude despite her obviously being in emotional pain. My legs took me closer to the sobbing girl warily.

As much as I imagined for her to tell me it was none of my business and demand I leave, she cried harder. 

" I know we don't necessarily get along Penny but I can't just leave you here like this," 

Penny looked up at me and rolled her eyes. I knelt down and sat closer to her. 

"I'm pregnant," 

The girl broke down once again, leaning her pliant body against mine as I held her.  "How? With who?"

The brunette calmed down just enought to speak, " I don't know! But hey! That's what I get for whoring around right!"  

Another sob left her mouth, " My parents told me I have a week to leave the house. I told the girls and they said they could never be friends with a "slut that gets knocked up" like me. I don't even have them to support me. "

"I'm so sorry, Penny." 

" I don't want your pity right now, okay? Just listen to me," she stuttered. 

" Do me a favor. Me and my baby. Don't hurt him. Please, don't do what I did to Shawn because he is worth so much more. I see you guys together, and I will admit that I'm jealous because I never had that with anyone, even Shawn. I can tell he cares about you. So love him like he's meant to." 

My heart broke at that point. Here I was, comforting a pregnant girl that was telling me not to hurt my "boyfriend". I couldn't tell her that our sole plan was to make her feel how she was right now. Suddenly, almost three years of torment were washed away by pity for the broken girl in front of me. 

" I won't. And you are coming to my house okay?" 

" No, I can't. What about your parents?" she said.

I smiled and helped her up. " Parent actually. My mom would never turn on someone that is suffering the same way she did. My dad got her pregnant senior year and I've never even met him. Then another guy came along, she swore he was the love of her life. My sister then came along and just like that he was gone, " 

" Are you sure? I was such a bitch to you and-" 

"Penny, it's alright. I don't hold grudges," 


Shawn had just about the same reaction as me. Penny cheating on him and just being an overall nightmare to him was washed away after she told him what she had told me in the janitor's closet. Like the sweetheart he is, he came with us to introduce Penny to my mom and get all her stuff from Penny's parents house. My mom reacted just as I hoped. 


Plot twists. Plot twists! Sorry for piling this on to the situation lol. But I really feel this just adds to the story. I'm also sorry that this book has become so sloppy, especially the plot. I'm totally winging this book, as you can tell with my lack of updating because, to tell you the truth, I'm running out of ideas. Due to my lack of creativity for this book, I'm just gonna write maybe two more chapters to explain the project with Sam, Bee, and Shawn and then the end. The end is totally my favorite part so it'll be good I promise. 

Thanks for understanding. Mua 💖💖


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