F I V E . T W O

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"Do you think it was a good idea? You know, letting Marcus go," Coriane asked, putting a strawberry in her mouth.
"He was no longer of any use to us here," the woman replied simply.

Coriane laughed without any amusement, and she ate the last strawberry before speaking again.

"I couldn't convince them, what makes you think he can?"
"He's one of them," Lexa sighed, not even trying hard to hide her true intentions from Coriane.
"Exactly, one of them."

Lexa looked at Coriane for a few seconds, but neither of them said another word after that. Coriane sighed, tired of that conversation, and retreated from Lexa's tent to her own.


"He escaped, that fucking assassin escaped, and their leader consulted an audience with Indra. They're trying to trick us," Isaac reported the second he entered Coriane's tent.
"He escaped?" Odeya asked her brother, standing up with wide open eyes.
"Why an audience with my aunt?" Was the question Coriane asked.
"We don't know."
"She's mad. Indra won't have a quarter of the mercy and patience that Lexa has had, not even a quarter of Coriane's," Jensen laughed.

And Coriane knew his words were true, her aunt didn't have a shred of patience, much less with the people responsible for so much death and destruction of her people. Abigail had been a fool to think that Indra could accomplish anything. If neither she nor Lexa had budged on the demand for justice, Indra wasn't even going to bother listening to a word from the Skaikru, much less now that she surely knew that Finn had been evacuated as well.

"I'll send word to the Elementa that the execution will begin soon," Coriane reported before getting up and walking out of her tent, with Naga and Astrid following behind her.

Probably the stupidest thing Skairku could have decided was to get Finn out of that fortress, taking him into the forest, the place where Coriane had eyes and ears at every single corner. Analyzing it a little bit to herself, it sounded more like an escape plan that the boys had come up with. Quite possibly, not everyone inside Skaikru had agreed to die for just one boy. Now, thanks to that bad move, Lexa would send a whole squad after Finn.

Basically, he'd been handed to them on a silver platter.


"I hope this is good, Terra, the ride back and forth is long and wearying," Eddard sighed, dismounting from his horse in the company of his two High Sectatores and two members of the Caelian Guard.
"It's an execution, Eddard, I thought your people especially enjoyed those," Dominic commented amusingly.

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