A note =D

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Hey! This is my first Wattpad fanfic ever, so bear with me as I try to make it a good one.

This fanfic is based on a dream I once had, where One Direction, well, lived next door to me, and we became great friends. Now, I'll be adding lots of things that also happen in my life, such as where I live is where the main character lives (in a house right next to the forest). 

The main character has many of my traits as well, she's a Directioner, finishing school, lives in Spain, has Spanish friends, etc etc. Thankfully, her family likes 1D, unlike my actual family. 

This book will be all fluff, although I don't think the main character will fall in love with any of the boys. The boys will be her big brothers and mentors, more like, rather than possible love interests (can you imagine, five boys fighting over one girl?!). 

I also don't know if I'll include Larry, perhaps a little cute moment here and there, but nothing more. Now, the main character, as established, is a Directioner. She joined the fandom only a while ago, but she has already been caught up in the reunion rumors and all the beef that has gone down between the boys since the split. 

This story starts at the end of May 2023, beginning of June. The main girl is excited to finish school (she's in 10th, here in Spain we graduate at 10th and then 11th and 12th are optional to do), but she's also excited because there have been 1D reunion rumors going around...

Thanks so much for reading guys, it means the world to me! This story is basically just a way for me to live out my actual dream of meeting the boys and living through their reunion.

Love you all! 

- Nuri

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