Author's note

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Okay so. Two things to tell you.
First is thank you so so so so SOOO much for all the love you've given this story and all your comments! I love reading everything you think, love you all <3 you are all super awesome.

Continuing with that, many of you have expressed worry and compassion towards the chapter where The Traitor is explained. This was not a real thing in my life, my information was never posted anywhere online, however my friends did "betray" me one time in 8th grade. The part about being homeschooled and entering in 8th is true. My friends, on the last day of school of the year, sat me down at recess and told me they didn't want to be my friends because I was a homophobic. How they got that? Well it's widely known at my school that I'm a Christian. I don't care that they know. But no Christian is a homophobe.

Everyone has their own ideals, but let me express mine. I think that what homosexuals do is wrong because God says it is sin in the Bible ("You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 / "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13). However, I would never hurt another person. Ever. Homophobes are generally people who hate homosexuals with a passion. That's not me. There's a gay guy in my class and he is awesome and funny and I love being in class with him. And I would never hurt him, because hurting humans is not fun or good. Unless it's in self defense.
I can be friends with homosexuals, I simply do not like what they do. I will tell them what I think, once, in my own way, but I will not go after them constantly trying to get them to repent, because that is not my job. That is God's job. He is the one who can see our hearts.

Anyways, so they called me a homophobic person, I stood up and went to throw away something and just stayed there sat down. They didn't come over to apologize, they didn't call me, nothing. Some other girls came over and asked what was wrong and I started crying because my friends, my first ever friends had betrayed me.
Our teachers tried to get us to talk to each other, but I wouldn't go near them. When we left school that day, one of them came over and said "hey we're still friends right?" I shrugged her off and left. All summer I tried to reason with my best friend (from the group), but nothing. I started 9th grade and I had no friends. She came up to me in like October, apologized and we slowly started to become friends again. The one who came up to me after school that day joined our group but to this day (and it's been 2 years) has not apologized to me yet.

So I just wanted to explain that what Olivia went through was sort of similar but that I did not go through anything half as traumatic or as bad as she did.

I'm sorry if being a Christian conditions your way of seeing me and reading my book, but that is why I probably won't be writing any Larry into it, maybe only to confirm/deny it. We'll see.

Oh and one last thing. Since I'm here in Switzerland, I'm spending time with my cousins, so I might update a couple chapters this week, maybe 4 even. I'll try to get one out each day, and if I can, then two, but I might not be able to update twice each day, so if I miss one don't worry I'll post the next day. (This is a Louis kind of promise lol, it might be broken...)
Thanks for reading this guys. I love you all!!! 💗💗💗 and if I came on a little strong up there, I'm so sorry and I apologize. I don't mean to hurt anyone with my words. If you'd like to talk this over some more feel free to message me. The next post will be chapter 7!!!!!

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