Chapter 7

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The boys were so protective over me. They'd literally just met me and look at them. Hugging me, asking me if I was all right. I'd just told them about The Traitor. We sit on the sofa for a while more. I can't take it anymore I have to ask.

"When did you reunite?" I blurt out suddenly. They turn to me so fast I have to ask if their necks are okay.

"I mean, I'm sorry I should just let you tell me when you want, ignore the question," I say embarrassed at their reaction. Niall laughs and tells me to ask everything I want to ask.

"Are you sure you want that?" I ask them, a doubtful look in my face. "There are a lot of questions in here," I say, tapping my head. They nod and I take a deep breath.

"When did you reunite? Why did you reunite? How did you reunite? Were you forced to reunite? How come you're living next door to me?" They look like they're trying to contain their laughter and I don't blame them. I am too honestly. I'm just spitting this out for them and then they'll tell me what they want. I continue.

"Was Larry ever real? If so, is it still real? Again, if so, is Larry allowed to be free? Sorry guys I'm just going fast here," I apologize to Harry and Louis for not saying their names.

"And last, but most certainly not least, ZAYN?! I'm so glad you're here!!!! I didn't think you'd come back honestly. Everyone's been hoping for a reunion, but with Zayn? This is amazing! Sorry, amazayn!" I finish my questions and exhale. The boys look at me with mirth in their faces. I look at them for a second and then we all burst out laughing. When we finally calm down, they start explaining.

I missed a question, I know. Management. I don't want to ask for fear Simon will walk out the door.

Snap snap. I come back to reality and I find the boys staring at me.

"You there Liv?" I nod. "Sorry I just spaced out for a second. You were saying...?"

"Right, so we were explaining how we got together again. It started in February, really, with my birthday," Harry starts to explain. "Niall DMed me saying happy birthday, well they all did. So I started thinking, what if we actually got together again? Even if it was just to spend the day."

"First he asked me," Zayn continued. "And then he went on to ask everyone else. I said I would try to make it, but Niall Liam and Louis were really down for it right?" They nodded.

"We got together on a Saturday at Harry's house since we were all in the area. It was so awkward at first, we had no idea what to do! But then Louis mentioned I'd sent him my new music so they asked me to play some, and they gave me some feedback on it..." Niall trailed off and Liam picked up.

"Which, by the way Nialler, your album is amazing, and we're all super proud of you. So yeah we spent the day catching up and we decided we really wanted to get back together. So we started looking for a place to stay, anywhere in the world, but far enough that we wouldn't be found, close enough to places that we could go shopping in 10 minutes." That perfectly describes their current location.

"And so we ended up here. The neighbors you've been seeing were simply our cover. In fact, I can't believe you didn't recognize one of them. Does Lux Atkin ring a bell?" Louis asks. I gasp.

"Oh my goodness, your first fan? She was the daughter of your hair stylist right?" I couldn't believe it.

"That's right, she is. So she was living here with another teen girl and this other girl's parents, to cover for us and also so she could prepare our space and things. And also because if not the house would stand empty for a few months. You see, you had some actual neighbors at some point. But we knew they were unhappy and they'd been having trouble with the house. We bought this place and the cover family started restoring and preparing it. We've been living here for about three weeks now, and we're working on our new album."

New album?! That meant a new tour! But wait they hadn't toured with Made in the AM yet...

"But you haven't even toured Made In The AM yet, are you going to do both?" I asked, slightly confused.

"We don't know yet. We might do a short USA and Europe tour first, as a reunion, then move on to a full one with songs from every album on it..." Liam trails off.

I nod and stare at the clock behind them. I've still got forty minutes but suddenly my watch vibrates. It's connected to my phone, which means either a message or a call. My mom is calling me! Shoot what if they're home already?!

"Excuse me really quick, my mom's calling me!" I say and run out to pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Olivia, I'm so sorry, can you take out the chicken of the freezer and start lunch?" It sounds like they're in a hurry.

"Uh yeah I can... where are you?" I ask, to calculate more or less how long it'll be till they come home.

"We've still got an hour to go, but if you could start lunch that'd be great," she says, sounding like she's about to hang up.

"Wait!" I exclaim. "It's almost noon now, if you get home in an hour we'll have lunch at 1pm. Isn't that a bit early?" Usually we eat at 2, sometimes 2.30 even...

"Wait really? I thought it was later! Okay then, if you can take out the chicken of the freezer and then start the rice and veggies please in about half an hour?"

"Sure I can do that. See you in a bit!" I hang up and out my phone in my pocket. Well I've got half an hour more at least. I go back inside and apologize.

"My mom wants me to start lunch so I'll have to go in about half an hour," I say, sitting back down. "Oh I'm sorry did I interrupt you? You were speaking I'm so sorry." I realize they'd been talking about something while I was on the call. They look at each other as if saying, "should we?"

"We were going through the questions you asked and to answer your Larry one we need to answer one that you didn't ask," Louis says, looking at me. Management. I look down. Do I want to know?

"About management. Do we have new management? Or did we have to go back to our old one?" It really sounds like it's that last option.

There's an uncomfortable silence until a door opens. I look over and I see something that I don't know how to feel about it.

It's him.

It's Simon.

*authors note* I FINALLY GOT IT OUT!!!! Sorry about another cliffhanger guys... but tbh what did you expect? Like honestly now. I'm so sorry luvs I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so sorry it's out so late! I've been having a lot of fun with my cousins which is why I haven't posted. And also I've had a bit of writers block. I got to a point where I knew how I wanted the chapter to end but I didn't know how to take it there.
Anyways. See you soon for chapter 8! Love you all luvsss

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