Chapter 12

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I facepalm. "No no no!! Harry why are you wearing that?"

It's Thursday afternoon and Harry is modeling his options for graduation tomorrow. Right now he's wearing what he wore to the SNL skit. The birthing class one? I can't believe they let him keep that. I peek through my hands and see that he's gone to change.

"Oh hey Liv!" Liam sits down beside me. "What's going on?"

"Harry is modeling his outfits for tomorrow and he doesn't seem to have anything you know, chill and... well... disguise-y!"

"Ohhh I see... do you mind if I show you what I've got?" Liam says, to fill in the time while Harry changes.

"Yeah sure I'd love to see!" Liam trots off just as Harry comes back.

"Harry. I thought you said you didn't have anything flashy or dressy here because your stylist wasn't here!"

"Well she isn't but she sent a van with at least my clothes in it! What do you think of this one?" He's wearing the suspenders he wore on his last night at Wembley, black with orange-y hearts on it, with a black t-shirt under it. It actually looks kinda good, but...

"Harry everyone's seen those suspenders, that's like the photo everyone is using of you right now! I don't think you can wear that either. Looks great though!" I try to cheer him up as he heads back to change. We've been at this for an hour and honestly, it'd be much easier for me to just go through his closet rather than him modeling everything he sees fit for me.

He looks great in everything of course but I think the other guys are bored already and want me to go back and talk to them.

"Tada!" Liam slides back in, wearing some regular jeans and a black sweatshirt.

"Hmm," I say, getting up and walking around him. "Okay, I see what you're going for... do you have a more dressy sweatshirt, even a dress shirt?" He runs back off just as Harry comes in.

"What do you think of this one? I really think it's the one." I slowly turn around and immediately burst out laughing.

"Harry! Oh... my... goodness!" I wheeze trying to catch my breath, thankfully seeing he's laughing too. I would never hurt his feelings!

"Why on earth... why on earth are you wearing your Met Gala outfit? It looks great of course but Harry this is exactly what I was talking about! Can I please look through what Lou sent you? Pleeease?"

"If you say it right I might let you..." he says with a smirk on his face. I sigh and put my hands up in surrender.

"Fine, fine, fine. Pretty please with some chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham with a side of homemade mash?" I let out a breath.

"Bravo!!! Yes you may," he claps and bows to let me through his door.


I look at them and nod my head, satisfied. Harry is wearing some nice chinos paired with a white dress shirt, Liam is wearing his pair of jeans and a button down black shirt, Niall is wearing something similar, except his jeans are dark and his shirt is grey, Louis is ever iconic with his red pants and white shirt and Zayn is wearing his most stylish biker jacket with black chinos and a cream shirt. They look handsome and adorable at the same time.

I check my watch. "Shoot, I've only got an hour to get ready!" I run off, yelling, "Don't you dare do anything to those outfits guys! Yes Louis I'm looking at you!"

I get back to my house and hurry to my room. My dress and heels were already laid out from earlier, all that's needed is a shower and some hair styling. I hurry through my shower and slip quickly into my dress.

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