Chapter 13

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*we are now in the boys' pov*

"Don't you dare do anything to those outfits! Yes Louis I'm looking at you!" Olivia rushes out the door to go get ready and we all sit down on the sofa.

"So what now?" Asks Liam.

"We wait for it to be 6," Niall says. "Do you want to play a game? I've got a fun one!"

"Sure I'll play with you Nialler, what's it called?" Harry asks.

"Oh but we all have to play, it's a 4 or more player game. Please?" Niall begs the other boys. They sigh and sit down as Niall pulls out his phone.

"Okay it's an app on my phone called Out of the Loop, and basically we all put in our names and choose a subject, then we'll pass it around at each of our names, and one of us will be out of the loop." (An: this is a real app and this is how to play, it's an amazing game I love it!) The boys nod slowly, and Niall keeps going.

"So put in your names and then we'll start the game." They start passing the phone around. "We'll get questions to ask each other about a specific object in the subject we chose, and whoever is out of the loop doesn't know the object chosen, so you'll have to answer based on what everyone else is saying and what you think it is. The first subject I chose was food, obviously," Niall smirks.

"Obviously," says Louis, passing the phone back to Niall.

"So everyone's put in their names then? Now I'll start. I've got a question for... Loubear! Okay Loubear, on the subject of food, could you take a nap on a pile of this?"

Louis thinks for a couple of seconds and then asks, "like five of them or twenty of them?"

"As many as you like," Niall says.

"Then yes, I can take a nap on a pile of burgers." Louis claps his hand to his mouth.

"Louis!!! You're not supposed to say it! So who was out of the loop then?" Harry asks, looking around the group.

"It was actually me," Niall confesses, raising his hand. "Would you like to start another round?"

"Okay but this time Louis, shush!" Liam shakes a finger in his direction.

"All right, it's set up with pop culture icons, let's see how this goes... here you go Zayn, you have to check the object or see if you're out of the loop."

The phone gets passed around again, and they're all smiling. Zayn begins by asking Liam a question.

"Would you like to go out to dinner with this icon?" Zayn cracks a slight smile, something is definitely up.

"I would love to go to dinner with this icon, yes." Liam then asks Louis.

"Lou. Have you ever been to a concert slash movie with this icon in it?"

"Yes, I've been to a concert slash movie with this icon." He sits ramrod straight and closes his lips quickly, without saying who it is.

"Okay Harry your turn, what's your favorite thing about this icon?" Louis turns to Harry.

"Um, their hair." Harry looks unsure, but then turns to Niall to ask his question.

"Nialler, if this person doesn't have children, do you wish they had? If they do, do you think they're good parents?"

"They don't have kids, no, but I think I'd love their kids if they had any. Okay Zayn, last question is for you!"

"Hit me with it," Zayn laughs, then puts up his hands to stop Niall from literally hitting him with the phone.

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