Chapter 22

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*recap: melissa the bestie knows about the boys and is going to cardiff n2 with her brother, liv is going tonight (rn actually) to cardiff n1 with niall, backstage today but surprising melissa "tomorrow"... we'll see how that goes! on with the show then*

As we arrive to Principality Stadium, it's only 5pm, and there are so many fans already waiting for Harry. They're making signs, trading feather boas, comparing outfits... I even hear some singing One Direction! We're in the van, preparing to enter the venue. It's a bread van of course. I'm posing as a young caterer for now, and I'm in the front seat, with Harry and Niall in the back. Harry's bodyguard is driving, also disguised as a caterer. They're checking our ID now, which is unnecessary but hey, they've got to put on a show before the actual show right? We finally get through and the van drives on.

Kenny, the bodyguard, parks the van and we all get out. I take off my caterer's jacket and reveal my beautiful outfit! At least, I think it's beautiful, so of course I do a little spin and then run to catch up to Harry and Niall. They're much taller than me, so they walk faster and I almost have to jog to keep up with them!

"Where..." I'm so tired already. "Where are we going, H-Harry?" He turns surprised, probably that I'm tired.

"Are you okay?" He slows down and I nod. "We're going to our camarinos, I think they're called. That's where I get my outfit and hair and makeup done. Do you want to get yours done too?" I've never been a big makeup girl, I don't even know how to curl my lashes or apply blush (an: actually true irl lol), so I think it'll be a good way to pass the time!

We arrive at Hair & Makeup and they sit me and Harry down in front of mirrors, and Niall chills on the sofa behind us. I don't think the stylists knew he was coming because they stand in shock for five minutes until they get to work.

"What kind of look would you like, hun?" The stylist asks me. I widen my eyes and shrug.

"Uh, I've never been a makeup girlie, I don't know how to do much really. What do you think is my kind of look?" She stares at me for three minutes in the mirror and I start getting a bit uncomfortable, but then I realize she's probably flipping through options in her head and I stop fidgeting. Meanwhile, Harry is almost done and I still haven't started!

Finally the stylist begins applying base to my face, then moves on to a light blush, eyelash curling (which at first scared me but I got over it!) and then added some light shadow. It's a very natural look, honestly, which I love. She also has a selection of earrings and I decide to switch my butterfly ones for two piano notes. To finish, she brushes my hair (though I tell her it'll blow up and she says "yes that's the point") and pulls it into a braid. She gels down the stray hairs and I'm ready to go!

Niall finishes just about the same time as I do and we head off together to find Harry. We find him onstage, running through specific things before they let the fans in, and without a microphone! When he finishes they let Niall and me go on stage to walk around and then hurry us out to go get Harry. They open the gates and the fans start coming in!

Harry comes out of his dressing room in his outfit, brown pants with a brown (sequined?) shirt.

"He looks like a teddy bear," I whisper to Niall and he laughs.

"You better not be laughing at me Nialler," Harry says, going to get his earpieces. Once he has them we all sit down on a couch and talk for a bit, then my phone chimes. Melissa!

mega mel (don't ask about that name!): gurll so my brother can't come to the concert tmrw, do you think you can fly over and get the other ticket??? wdyt???
liviaaa: girl nooo he must be so saddd! i actually can't go over bc i told my mom i'd fly her up to london tmrw, she's arriving tonight actually
liviaaa: i wish i could thoo we would finally meet!!!!
mega mel: awwwhhh well i'll just find a fan outside the venue who doesn't have a ticket and give it to them then
liviaaa: aw you're so cute

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