Chapter 20

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*an: y'all. We're at chapter 20 already whatttt*

*an2: for personal reasons, i don't like typing out what i consider bad words (any form of sh!t, f-bombs, beach, etc) so if in ANY case they're used in this story, they're going to be fully censored (i.e. ****, you can totally guess what that is) thanks for understanding!*

*Recap* "Nandos sounds good but I need help, I've never had any and I need to know what I should get. Help me Niall?" I look at him with puppy eyes and he flops onto the sofa, so I sit down with him and he starts explaining all the options to me. *End recap*

*harrys pov ahh also don't mind if it's weird idk how to get into other people's brains okay liv is like 95% me lol*

Niall and Liv sit on the sofa, trying to figure out what from Nandos she would like. Meanwhile, I'm tired, not very hungry and really just want to go to bed.

"Mate, you alright?" Louis asks, seeing my tired face.

"Sorry, I've been stressed a bit today, I think I'll just go to bed." I turn to go to my room, saying goodnight to everyone, but then I feel someone hugging me and I turn back around.

Liv stares back up at me. "Good night," she says, smiling. "And thank you for this amazing opportunity. Sleep tight, okay?" She gives me an extra squeeze as I nod.

"Goodnight Liv," I say and squeeze her back. "See you all tomorrow!"

*end of harrys pov, we're back to livs pov*

Harry goes to bed so I go sit on the couch with Niall again.

"Have you decided, luv?" he asks me, showing me the menu on his phone again.

"Hmm... for starters, see what I did there, because it's a menu starter?" Niall chuckles at my joke and I smile happily. "Anyways, for starters how about some sweet potato wedges with the garlic sauce, I LOVE sweet potato... and a grilled chicken burger, how about that?" I give Niall his phone back and he nods.

"Sounds good! Same as always for you lads?"

"YEAH!!" Louis cheers. "I love Nandos!" I laugh, shaking my head at the fact that I'm supposed to consider him the oldest in the group.

"Oh, Liv what do you want to drink?" Niall asks.

"Um, just water is fine, thanks," I reply, getting up from the sofa. "Let me just go get my phone real quick, I haven't texted my friend in a while and she's probably worried sick!"

I go to my room and find Harry on my bed, completely zonked out. I guess he didn't make it as far as his own room. I quietly walk to my nightstand and get my phone from my backpack, and while I'm at it, my power bank too because it's at 54% and I don't want my phone to die!

As I suspected, my bestie Melissa is VERY worried about me, I've got 59 texts and 3 missed calls from her! I think there aren't more because she had a busy day today, but I'll call her back later.

As I walk back to the living room I see that I also have a message from an unknown number. That's strange, usually my phone is very good at blocking off spam. It doesn't matter, I'll look at it later!

In the living area, the boys are all on their phones waiting for the food, so I decide to go over to Liam and see what he's doing. He's sitting on an arm chair, so I sit on one of the arms and lean over his head to look at his screen.

"Do you mind if I look at your phone?" I whisper. I don't like people looking at my phone without permission, which is why I ask.

"No, you're fine, I'm just on twitter. What should I tweet?" he whispers back.

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