Chapter 4

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AN: I'm warning you, get out your tissues. 

Today is my last day of official school! I am so excited because next year I'll be doing what I truly love, and it won't be as tedious! Of course, we've already finished all of our finals and projects, and now we're literally watching movies. In every class.

Sadly, my dad's uncle died yesterday, and today is the funeral. My parents can't come pick me up at the time I leave school usually, and neither can my grandmother, so I'm going in at 8 and then I'll go back home at 10, and they'll go to the funeral after dropping me off at home.

As we head to school, I ask why my brother isn't also coming home at 10 with me, and instead finishing the full day, if nobody could come pick us up.

"That's because I'm going to have lunch at a friend's house. You know, since I have friends," says my brother from the front seat.


"Connor, be nice to your sister! That is true though, Olivia, he's going to a friend's house for lunch, so you'll be all alone at home later," my mom explains.

I get excited. I love being home alone! Especially because this time I've got a full album of music and I'm excited to sing it. I don't really sing in front of my parents but I love singing. Maybe I'll even have a letter waiting for me by the time I get home...

At school, my first period consists of finishing a project I had, building a part of the Roman house. I think it ended up quite well! Then I had Spanish, in which we played a game. My teacher's had an operation recently and she hasn't been to school for over a month, but she's back now.

Halfway through the game, the secretary lets me know my mom is here to pick me up, so I gather my things and say goodbye. Once I get home I check the mailbox, but there's nothing there. So strange! I drop everything on my bed and make sure that there really is nobody home.

I decide to go to my backyard, where the chickens are, and as I go around my house I notice the neighbour's car is still there. So maybe I'll get a letter later? I sit down leaning on the wall and looking at the chickens. First up? The Show, of course!

*after about 30 minutes of singing*

My throat was getting sore so I've gone and gotten my bottle of water. So far, I think the one I love singing the most is On A Night Like Tonight. His high notes!!!!

I decide to get the eggs while I'm here, so I go and grab the egg basket. As I get into the coop, I hear it again! I pause my music and listen. At first I only hear the chickens, but then I hear something else. It sounds like If I Could Fly! Ohh I love that song. Makes me cry every time.

As I get the eggs I sing along.

"I think I might give up everything, just ask me to. Pay attention, I hope that you're listening, cause I let my guard down..."

No, there is not a tear going down my cheek. Yes, there is. This song always makes me emotional because one time I did "let my guard down". I became "completely defenceless". And it did not end well.

The person I shared everything with turned around and used it all against me. I don't even want to think this person's name. For me, she will always be 'The Traitor'. I finish getting the eggs and exit the coop, with a few more tears running down my cheeks.

"For your eyes only, I show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are..." This next part makes me even more emotional: "I'm missing half of me, when we're apart, now you know me. For your eyes only." My voice trembles as I sing. I lost my best friend that day.

I wipe my eyes and go back inside to leave the eggs. I see Felicity, who decides she wants to come out with me. I smile and let her out.

I walk to the backyard, but I stop when I hear Harry.

"She was crying," I hear.

"I know, I wonder what happened to her," is that Zayn?

"It could be the context of the song, maybe..." Liam says.

Wait, what? What is going on here? I check my watch. It's only 10:43, I have time to explore this. What on earth is going on? Well that's what I'm going to find out.

I make a bit of noise as I walk further along and I hear some scurrying back and some "shh"s. As I reach the ramp to go up, I sing softly, "For your eyes only, I show you my heart." I start sing the next line, but I get interrupted.

"For when you're lonely, and forget who you are," Louis sings back.

"I'm missing half of me, when we're apart," Niall continues.

"Now you know me, for your eyes only," I finish.

I peek over the fence and there they are. Sitting on the ground, looking right at me.

I quickly duck back down.





One Direction.


As my neighbours.

What is happening????

*authors note* so... a cliffhanger. Please don't kill me! Someone told me it's good to have anticipation in your stories. Well luv, here you go. I'm so so sorry to do this but like it was such a good opportunity luvs! See you in the next chapter. Also you know comment vote let me know what you think! And again, please don't kill me. Love you all!!!

I smiled sooo hard writing that last part, I also almost cried. And for the record, The Traitor is not a real person in my life. This is the part I mentioned where some might be based off of me but thankfully that part is not. See you in chapter 5!

Edit: So Daisy's name has been changed to Felicity, to help along the narrative (you'll see later on!). Of course, we remember Louis' sister and his fight to be strong in this trial in his life. We love you Louis! <3

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