Chapter 18

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"Sorry to interrupt, Harry, but the tickets have already been changed and the change fee has been paid. I've only got to tell her I'm coming back early."

"Oh but see, that's where I come in. How would you like to come on tour with me?" I hear his smile.

Sorry... WHAT?!

*end of recap*

I'm not sure if I heard that right. Harry is inviting me on tour?

I mean, it's not such a bad idea. I get to travel the UK, I don't have to cut my vacation short, I get to spend time with Harry, see all his shows, and... I might even see Di and Steve again! Yes, we're on a nickname relationship already.

"Olive? You there?" I yank the phone from my ear and stare at it, then put it back to my ear.

"Did you just call me Olive?" I'm so confused!

"Didn't you just say we're on a nickname relationship?" Harry snickers softly.

"I said it out loud? Oh noooo..." I groan and fall back on my bed.

Someone knocks on the door and opens it, revealing my cousin Ada. She waves and smiles slightly, then sees I'm on the phone. I say goodbye to Harry and tell her to sit with me.

"So, what are our plans for tomorrow?" she asks.

"I don't know, what do you think we should do?"

"What did you do today?"

"Are we going to just talk in questions?" I suddenly realize that's what we're doing.

"Do you want to try?" she counters back, and we burst out laughing.

"Well, today we went to see the changing of the guard, we went to Madame Tussaud's, we went to the London Eye, a couple cafés as well... what touristy things are there left to do?" I turn to her and she flops back to think.

"Umm... I don't think much else, really. We could go get a chippie if you're up for it, and then go to Buckingham Palace... we should definitely find a red booth and have a photoshoot there!"

"Sounds good! What's a chippie?" I ask, confused.

"I thought you did your homework! It's what we call a fish'n'chips, a chippie. It makes sense!" I nod in response.

"Hmm, yeah, I guess it does. Okay so, chippie, the Queen, red phone booth, can we add a double-decker or is that too much?"

"It depends on what you want to do with the rest of your days here, like three, right?"

"Oh by the way, I won't be going home, if my mom approves I'll be staying with my friend who I spent the other day with, remember him? He came down to London specifically for me, but he actually lives, um..." where does Harry live?? Ahhh, I need to figure this out fast!

"In the north?" my cousin asks.

"Um, yeah, the north, I'm not sure exactly where, like, Stockholm?"

"Olivia. Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. Nowhere close to the UK." Ada looks at me suspiciously.

"Oh of course. I always confuse it with the, oh what is it, Oxford? Dunno, it sounds similar, doesn't it?"

Ada shrugs. "If you say so, Liv." She stands up to leave and then turns around. "But, uh, Oxford is in the south, Liv." She laughs and goes out the door, I can only assume to the bathroom.

*** (an: idk if you can tell, but I'm having a bit of writer's block, maybe bc it's been so long since I wrote this, but anyways, I hope it gets better)

*context* Liv called her mom, she got permission to travel with Harry, they changed flights, got it all together, her aunt and uncle were told, she went to sleep kinda late (like midnight) bc she stayed up watching a series, it is now the next day and they're headed to get a chippie on a double-decker bus *context end*

I take out my camera and snap a quick photo of the bus before we get on. We sit down at the top and as we start moving I see a car with an open roof. Suddenly I remember Louis filming the OWOA music video and I snicker.

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