Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
I rub my eyes, then check my watch. 11.30? Am?! How did I sleep for so long?? Oh yeah, I stayed up watching old One Direction videos.
I smiled as I thought of all these iconic lines and conversations that now I know about. Superman, carrots, potatoes, Kim K's a— (no swearing in this story!). A year ago, someone could've said something like this to me and I would've stared like they had three eyes. And now I'm the one with three eyes! Well four, because my glasses.
I decide to get out of bed and close my curtain and window. When the sun comes up it comes up through my window, so at 8 or so I already have some light. However, now that it's June it's earlier and brighter!
My room gets so hot in the mornings if I don't close the curtain, so I do that and also get my laptop and place it on my bed. It's hot because it's been roasting in the sun while I was sleeping.

I head downstairs and discover that my sister made crepes. Those are so good, I always eat three even though I could eat ten. I also discover that she made them at nine, told the whole family and left none for me. I'll just have a sandwich then I guess...

"Hey Liv, sleep well?" my mom asks as she enters the kitchen.

"Sure did, I would've slept better though if I'd woken up to eat crepes," I reply a bit sassily but smiling so that she knows I'm joking. It's the Louis in me.

"We tried to wake you up but we couldn't! I tried to save some for you but your siblings and dad ate all of them," she answers back, defending herself.

I ask her what they did to wake me, and would you believe it! They called my name three times from the table when they were already sat down, and since I didn't respond they simply started eating. Oh well my sandwich was good too.

I ask my mom for the plan of the day and she says we're only laying around the house but we might go somewhere in the afternoon. I say that's fine and then she asks me to walk Felicity again. If this dog runs off on me again, I seriously couldn't care less. Okay, let's go then.

I give Felicity her food and while she eats I run upstairs to get my headphones. My current favourite music to listen to is, of course Niall's new album, The Show. (AN: I'm actually listening to it right now on the bus as I write this!)

It's just such a great album, he did so well with it. It was released yesterday and I've been listening to it nonstop since.

"Felicityyy!! Come here girl!" I call her, but she isn't coming. Shoot, why didn't I put her leash on her? I always put it on her!

I turn off my headphones, pausing Meltdown for just a second. I call her again and listen for her thrashing through the forest. She's one of those big dogs that makes a lot of noise, but she's literally all bark and no bite.

I don't hear her but I do hear Niall singing. Not literally, but apparently Meltdown is still playing. I reach for my MP3 player to pause it, but it is paused. So what's playing?

Whoosh! Felicity runs by me and straight down the hill. Dagnabit (AN: this is my favourite "swear" word so you'll probably see it a lot!), where'd she run off to this time? I put my headphones on and also head down the hill and I see her just in time come back from wherever she was and run up the stairs to my house.

Phew! I won't have to go get her. While she's drinking water I get the egg basket. I haven't gone to see the chickens since Thursday, and with this heat I should also check on their water.

I bring Felicity back inside and I go off to say hi to our chickens. I sing The Show to them as I get their eggs. Their water bowl is dirty so I empty and rinse it a bit, then I fill it back up with water.

As I head back around my house, the song ends and there's a pause. I seem to hear As It Was coming from somewhere, but when I stop to question it my mom calls me to bring her the eggs because she needs them for whatever she's cooking.

Later at supper, my mom asks me about Niall's new album.

"It is so good, there are only 10 songs but every single one of them is amazing!" I exclaim, smiling.

"Oh, you mean Nee-yawl Hooron?" says my brother, with a smirk on his face. I shoot him the look but he keeps smirking. I turn back to my mom, who tells me she'll listen to it later.

"I think you'll really like it. So far my favourites are Must Be Love, Science, The Show, Meltdown, Never Grow Up, You Could Start A Cult, Heaven, If You Leave Me, and Save My Life," I list off. My sister and mother look at me. "What?" I say.

"You said ten," my sister says.

"Yeah, I know! My top 10 for the album! Not in that order, I'm not sure in which order I'd put them honestly but that's the ones I love the most off the album," I say back, knowing exactly where she's going with this.

"Didn't you say there were only 10 songs on the album?"

"Yeah I did."

"I think what your sister means is that you didn't say your favourites you said all of them," my mom intervenes. "Also, I'm quite intrigued by the cult one, what's that one like?"

"I know what she means mom, and I said all of them because they're all my favourite! How am I supposed to pick a favourite?? Oh and I think you'll love the cult song, as you call it. Niall describes it as sounding dark but actually being the complete opposite. Of course he's right, being the writer," I finish my ramble.

"Okay why don't we just finish supper and then you and your mom can go listen to the album," says my dad, before this gets any worse.

"Olivia, do you like Neeyol Hooron? Actually don't answer that, we know you do," says my brother.

I lean my forehead on the table. He is insufferable.

After supper I brush my teeth and put on my pjs, and then I head outside to lounge on one of our chairs and listen to music.

I'm vibing along to One Direction, and as the song finishes I still hear something else continue to play. I think it's What Makes You Beautiful? I pause my mp3 and remove my headphones.

Yup, that's definitely WMYB!! Could it be that our neighbours are Directioners? Or maybe one of the kids is? I don't climb over the fence to check on them, because that would be rude and unacceptable, but I am definitely intrigued by the sudden music I'm hearing every now and again. Especially because it's the boys' music.

I head to bed thinking about what I should do. Should I write a letter and leave it in their mailbox, asking if any of their kids are Directioners (there are two by the way, mom, dad and two kids, about my age and a couple years older)? Should I ask my dad for the dad's number and see if I can get one of his kid's number and talk to our neighbour about this?

What should I do? (AN: comment what you think Olivia should do!)

*authors note* thanks so much for reading this guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated since chapter one, I've been super busy! Today I had several trips on public transport, so I took the opportunity to write this in my notes, and now, lying in bed about to go to sleep, it's coming to you. I hope you enjoy it and that it's not too long!!! Love you all

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