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        *Jack POV*

I texted luke asking if I could talk to him and bella knowing they were together.


                                  Yo dude can I come over to talk to you and bella please.

Yeah come on over.

I got out of my bed and got an uber over to his house. I walked in and immediately went upstairs and knocked on his door.

"Come in"

I opened the door and walked in sitting on lukes computer chair since luke and bella were cuddling on the bed.

"I think Nicole's mad at me and I think there something really wrong"

"Ok first off why do you think she's mad at you" luke asked.

"Well um ever since the party she's been avoiding me. Like she hasn't answered any of my texts and the other day when I was walking out of school I saw her and we made eye contact and she looked away immediately. I dont know what I did"

Luke looked at bella and bella shrugged knowing exactly why she's upset but not saying anything.

"Well bro, I think that you need to go find her and try your best to talk to her in person and see what happens then. And 2 what do you mean you think somethings wrong."

"I dont know. She hasn't been sitting with bella anymore, she's been coming in the same sweatpants and hoodie, she hasn't been coming to the rink for lunch. I'm just worried."

"Well I think once you figure out whats going on between you two then ask her what's wrong with that."

"Yeah I guess I could do that. Thank you guys"

I got up and got and uber home thinking about how im gonna talk to her.

*Nicole POV*

I went to school just as everyday. Sweatpants and a hoodie.

I went to my locker to see somebody I didn't want to see.


I tried to get my stuff from my locker and leave but that didn't really work because Jack reached out and grabbed my wrist before I could walk away.



"Can I talk to you please"

I thought about it for a second. Should I finally let him talk and explain instead of just avoiding him for the rest of my life?

Ugh fine.

"Yeah. Not here though. Come to my house after school. I'll send you the address"

I saw him crack a small smile before nodding his head and letting me go.


I got a text saying that jack was outside. I lifted my head from my pillow and looked around my room.


It looks a mess.

There are clothes everywhere, my whole room just looks like a tornado came through it. I walked downstairs and opened the door.



"So you wanna come to my room?"


We walked up stairs and I opened the door.

"Sorry its a little messy in here. I've had a lot going on"

"It's okay."

We both sat on my bed and neither of us said anything.

"Listen, I just wanted to talk to you about why you've been avoiding me. I mean ever since the party you have been really weird and like I just wanna know if somethings up or like if your mad at me"

"Um well yeah I have kinda been avoiding you and i'm sorry about it. After I saw you with that girl at that party I got jealous and I thought you didn't like me so I put my feelings down, I tried to avoid you hoping that all my feelings for you would go away but clearly that didn't happen cause I still like you and oh my god I just told you I liked you and you probably don't like me back and I am rambling on and you aren't saying anything so you probably don't like me. Oh god and now your smiling"

"You good now"


"Okay then well first I do like you. I like you alot. The day at the party I was going to look for you before a girl grabbed my arm and took me to the dance floor. We started dancing and I was drunk as shit so I just let it happen, I didn't realize what I was doing until I saw you. And when I saw the tears in your eyes I realized I messed up. I was confused why you avoiding me cause I am a stupid teenage boy that won't see something unless it punches me in the face. So I didn't realize it until you told me. Nicole I really do like you and if you like me to, which I think you do, then we can go on a couple dates, talk it out and then i'll asked you to be my girlfriend. If you want to take it slow we can do that too."

"Yeah taking it slow would be really really nice."

I smiled.

For the first time in a couple days I have smiled.

It was nice.

Getting that warm fuzzy feeling back. Knowing that everything was okay again. He gave me a hug and told me he gotta get home for dinner. I walked him to the door and as soon as the uber pulled away from the house reality hit me.

Nothings okay.

I'm still getting bullied, I haven't eaten in god knows how long, I refuse to wear anything other then sweats and a hoodie.

I go back up stairs and crawl back into my bed. I got a call soon after from jack. I answered the face time and faced it towards the ceiling.

"Hey why can't I see your face"

"I don't have any where to set you up right now"

We talked for awhile before I got really tired and fell asleep. I woke up and looked at my phone.

Jacksonville ❤️

Coming to pick you up. Be there in ten 🫶🏻

I smiled and got up to get ready.

When jack got here I went out side and got in the uber he got us. I was sitting looking out the window when I felt something touch my hand. I looked down to see jacks hand in mine.

I smiled and looked at him. When he looked at me I looked back out the window, blushing.

I walked into school feeling some type of happiness, not ready for whats gonna happen in the next 24 hours.

Y'all not ready for the next chapter.
Don't forget to vote :)
~ Nicole <3

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