Through The Storm

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Living with anxiety, it's like a constant storm inside my mind
The fear, the panic, it's always there, I can never leave it behind 
It's a monster that haunts me, it's always lurking around 
Making me feel like I'm trapped, like I'm about to drown 

It's like a constant weight on my chest, I can't seem to shake it off 
No matter what I do, it's always there, making me feel lost 
It's like I'm always in a fight, with myself, with the world 
And every day, it's a battle, a struggle just to hold 

I try to breathe, I try to calm down, but it's never enough 
The anxiety, it's always there, making me feel like I'm not tough 
Like I'm weak, like I'm not enough, like I'm never going to win 
And sometimes, it's just too much, I feel like I'm going to cave in 

I wish I could turn it off, I wish I could just be free 
But the anxiety, it's always there, it's a part of me 
And sometimes, I just want to scream, to shout, to cry 
But I hold it in, I keep it in, I never let it fly 

Living with anxiety, it's like walking on a tightrope 
One wrong move, one misstep, and I lose all hope 
It's like a dark cloud that follows me everywhere I go 
And sometimes, I just want to run, to escape, to let it go 

But I can't, I have to keep going, I have to keep fighting 
Even when it feels like the anxiety is slowly killing 
I have to believe that there's a way out, that I can find my way 
That someday, somehow, the anxiety won't have the final say 

So I'll keep on breathing, I'll keep on trying 
I'll keep on fighting, I'll keep on surviving 
And even though it's hard, even though it's tough 
I won't let the anxiety, break me, I won't give up 

Because living with anxiety, it's a battle that I'll never stop 
But I won't let it define me, I won't let it be my only prop 
I'll keep on living, I'll keep on thriving 
And one day, the anxiety won't feel so suffocating 

So if you're living with anxiety too, know that you're not alone 
That even in the darkest moments, you can always find your own 
Strength, courage, hope, they're all within you 
And even though it's hard, you can make it through 

So take a deep breath, take a step forward 
And even when it feels like you're about to falter 
Remember, you're stronger than the anxiety 
And together, we can break free. 

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