Echoes of Existance

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Life, an enigma wrapped in mystery,
A journey of twists and turns, yet full of history.
It's a delicate balance, like a tightrope we walk,
At times we stumble and fall, but we get back up to talk.

Life, an endless cycle of birth, death, and renewal,
A never-ending journey that can be both harsh and cruel.
We strive for meaning, purpose, and fulfillment,
But sometimes it all feels like an endless torment.

We race against time, chasing our dreams,
Hoping that one day, everything will fall into place, it seems.
But life is full of surprises, both good and bad,
And we have to be ready, to face whatever we are to add.

Failure and success both their own lessons,
Our struggles and victories forge a new expression.
For each battle, a chance for growth and learning,
To rise up stronger, more resilient and burning.

So embrace this life, this wondrous adventure,
With all its pain and joy, all its failures and lectures.
For within life lies the greatest truth to uncover,
That we are all wonders of creation, each other.

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