Journey Through the Mind

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Sometimes it feels like I'm just a passenger 
In this body that I'm living 
Like I'm looking out at all the world 
But I'm not really existing 

My mind is like a tangled web 
Of emotions, thoughts, and fears 
A stormy sea that never calms 
A place of darkness and tears 

People say "just think positive" 
As if it's just that easy 
But my mind doesn't work that way 
It has a mind of its own, you see 

They say "don't worry, be happy" 
But it's not that simple for me 
My brain is like a broken record 
Playing the same sad song on repeat 

I feel like I'm a prisoner 
Locked inside my own head 
A labyrinth of confusion 
A place of restless dread 

It's like a chemical imbalance 
That's throwing off my brain 
An uncontrollable force 
That's driving me insane 

I try to talk to loved ones 
To let them know how I feel 
But the words get stuck inside me 
And I struggle to be real 

It's like I'm living in a movie 
Where I'm the star but don't belong 
Everything around me seems so fake 
All of life just seems wrong 

I wish that I could just be "normal" 
To feel happy every day 
To live life with joy and purpose 
To find meaning in every way 

But sometimes it just feels hopeless 
Like I'm never going to win 
And I wonder if it's even worth it 
To keep fighting from within 

But then a sliver of light shines through 
And I remember what's true 
That I have a purpose and a place 
And I'm not defined by what I face 

I'm more than just a chemical reaction 
Or a label that's been given 
I'm a human being with a soul 
And I'm meant to keep on living 

So I won't let the darkness take me 
I won't let the sadness consume 
I'll keep fighting through the turmoil 
And find a way to break through 

For though I may have a chemical imbalance 
It doesn't define who I am 
I have the power to rise above 
And become all that I can.

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