Chapter - 2

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Damien was surprisingly in a pleasant mood. He had just completed a successful business deal in New York for their fashion line "Bella". He came to their Mafia base in America to check how things were going. He was informed that John Smith was causing a lot of trouble. He decided to raid his house and give him a 'warning'.

Damien didn't do such petty things like this, after all, he is the second-in-command of the mafia but he decided to make an exception. Maybe showing what the mafia leader was capable of would give a warning to the others to not mess with them. They went to the area where the house was. It was a very poor, shady area. Normally Damien would keep his watch but the place didn't even have cameras or any sort of security.

He stood at the threshold of the house and busted the lock with the shot of the bullet. He kicked open the door. He saw a man passed out on the couch from drugs and alcohol. Damien got in the house while his men duly followed him behind. He stood in front of the man and slapped him with a sickening thud to wake him up.

"You ugly bitch," John shouted, his eyes still closed. Damien slapped him again, only now John noticed him. Damien smirked and looked at him menacingly. John looked at Damien fearfully and tried to back away.

"Wh-Who are yo-you ?"

Damien seemed to enjoy the fear in John's voice. He let out an evil grin and replied deadly calm," Your worst nightmare. You messed with the wrong people John, Pay what you owe, or else be prepared to face hell."

For a moment he looked like he was going to cry. But in the next, his eyes glistened in greed. A sick grin appeared on his sagging face. "I don't have the money, but I have something else, a girl. You can have her, she is all yours."

His words made Damien furious. His blood boiled with rage. How dare someone treat a girl like that ? How dare he suggest such a horrible thing ? No one deserves to be treated like that, NO ONE. They did run a mafia but they did not support inhumane activities. Sexual assault was strictly prohibited in their mafia. Those who did involve themselves in it did not live to tell the tale of the torture they faced.

Damien picked up the man's neck and smashed his face on the nearest wall. Blood oozed out from his head as he passed out. "Put this fucker in the cells, check the house," he barked at his men.

His men obliged his commands and thoroughly searched the house. "Sir, you need to come see this," Carlo, his most trusted man said.

He was led to the basement. As Damien entered, he scrunched his nose at the stench of dried blood. Even in the grim, dim-lighted room, he could see a little girl lying unconscious in a pool of her own blood. Even the cold-hearted mafia leader's heart melted at seeing the poor girl. A pale pallour spread across her face. She looked so fragile. He went near her and checked for a pulse. When he sensed a faint pulse, he picked her up tenderly in his arms and carried her upstairs. He hated feeling the little girl's bones as he carried her up. She was so delicate that she was afraid of breaking her. He put her on the bed in the only bedroom of the house.

"Call Dr.Williams here. Ask him to come as soon as possible," Damien sent out a command. He wanted to kill the man who was responsible for the little girl's condition.

"Yes Sir," one of his men replied and got to work.

A little while later, the doctor arrived. Damien led him to the bedroom where she was kept. "Treat her well," Damien said in a tone that said ' Hurt her even a little and I will rip your guts out'. The doctor shuddered but replied "Yes-Yes sir."

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