Chapter - 33

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Hellooo readers !!

I know it's been too long but it's been crazy with exams. So, How are you all ?
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Happy reading !

Also, a little warning for the light-hearted, do not read the first part.


Jake and Marcello stood next to each other and admired their work with a sick, cynical grin.
"This is the real fucking art, my man, not that shit with just a few shitty strokes of paint," Jake said and put his hands on his hips. His eyes glistened with pride.
Marcello wiped someone's blood off of his arm casually. "I mean we could do that now, the paint we use will be an actual blood red," Marcello chuckled as he saw the blood of the victim slathered on the floor and walls of the basement.

They had tortured the gang for hours now. Marcello's shirt was now soaked with blood. Jake was not much better either, his clothes had multiple streaks and splotches of blood. He wiped his face off the splatters of blood from all the stabbing with a smug grin.

Marcello was more acquainted with torture but Jake liked to join in for the fun. Marcello was more psychotic and deranged while Jake was more methodical and calculated. Both were a lethal combo that should definitely not be messed with.

Both looked at the men, more accurately masses of barely alive bloody flesh on the floor of their basements. Blood painted the floor and the walls of the basement. They had caught the gang who cheated them and showed them the consequences of messing with the bloody serpents. 

Apparently, the gang hoarded their shipment for fun. Well, Jake and Marcello sure had their share of fun too.

"They're of no use anymore. Shall we finish them off ?" Jake asked.

"Gladly," Marcello asked. They picked up their guns. More than a dozen ear-piercing shots echoed in the room as the souls were ripped out of the struggling bodies.

The first two killed them, of course. The rest were for... fun. Marcello loved the way blood splattered from a bullet shot.


Jake walked into Marcello's room and sat himself in a chair the next day. Marcello was busy working on new prototypes for the gym equipment for their gym. He got off his computer to tell Jake off for barging into his room but kept quiet when he saw Jake's serious face.

"Now that we're done with the gang shit, I need to tell the Italian Mafia when we are coming," Jake said.

Marcello stared thoughtfully and replied," Tell them to send a flight on Friday." Jake nodded and left.

As much as Marcello hated going there he knew he had to. He needed to see if 'he' was really dead. They had two days to pack all the stuff.  

Both men were standing outside the luxurious plane the mafia Donna sent. The chilly October breezed past them. Their faces were devoid of emotion. In the military stance they were in their calmness was almost scary.

The Donna's men bombarded her private airport. Men in black suits stood on either side in front of the plane. They looked cold and emotionless, standing in orderly rows, they looked like lifeless statues rather than alive beings. They observed every single movement of Jake and Marcello.  

Luciano and Carlo met them. The men shared a stare for a moment, each trying to intimidate and assert authority over the other. Their duel was broken when a guard gave Luciano his phone as Donna had called. Luciano walked away. Carlo instructed for the weapons, trackers, and all other equipment to be loaded onto the plane.

The four men boarded the plane. Jake and Marcello had been on some pretty luxurious private planes but this was the one to beat. They both sat opposite to each other. The soft leather seats pulled him in. He had a rough time the last two days and would love some sleep but was aware he couldn't. He could not afford to let his guard down. It was 2 in the morning but he wanted to stay awake the entire 8-hour flight.

Luciano and Carlo got inside the plane and sat on the other side

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Luciano and Carlo got inside the plane and sat on the other side. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. The angry silence was deafening. The men shared some glances and glares but not a word was spoken. The silence was thankfully broken by the pilot's announcement.  Shortly after takeoff, drinks and food were served. 

The Donna saw the planes from Italy through the cameras fitted inside. Even though the men had never met each other, she knew the hate they shared. She didn't like them either, to her they came out as cocky and insufferable dicks. But, she was aware they had the skill she needed. She couldn't be bothered less men hated each other but she didn't want it to get in the way of their jobs. She needed them to suppress their urge to kill them and have fairly civil conversations with each other. Fairly speaking, she needed to work on that too, but she was their boss, so it didn't matter.

In the plane, minutes seemed like hours, but still, silence prevailed. Luciano stood up and went over to the assassins. "Luciano," he said briefly and lent an open hand. Marcello looked at him suspiciously but shook his hand."Gary" he said. Jake followed," Liam". Both of them didn't use their real name to conceal their identity. "Carlo," he said from his seat.

Luciano and Carlo knew that they weren't their real names but didn't bother. They knew assassins didn't reveal identities.

The rest of the flight was silent. The flight landed at 6 pm in Italy. The men got out of the plane. Unlike in New York, this airport was empty. No guards, No security, it was just the four men. 

 "You will be staying at one of the Donna's hotels tonight. You are already registered to a room in your said names. Pretend that you are a normal tourists and don't dare to say a word to anyone about this. Tomorrow, a car will be sent to pick you up at 9 am. Be ready you will meet the Donna. Your weapons and equipment will be stored in facilities of the Italian Mafia" Carlo informed with an underlying warning. 

Marcello really didn't like Carlo's tone. He was dead set on correcting, not now but definitely later. Not wanting to cause a scene he agreed with Carlo. They weren't worried about the mafia storing their weapons. The mafia can't search it as each one has a custom chip that can only be accessed by either Jake or Marcello. If anyone unauthorized tried to turn any of the weapons on, they would blow up. Hacking into it was not a viable option either, Jake had installed heavily guarded encryptions making it impossible to hack into them and again, failed entry would cause it to blow up. 

"We'll drop you at the hotel," Luciano said and got the car which was already in the airport. They drove for almost an hour revealing a plain vast expanse of land. Not a soul was seen. After another hour they entered the city and were dropped at the hotel. The assassins walked out and the mafia men drove off. 

 Jake and Marcello got to their room. " I will be going out in a little while," Marcello informed Jake.
"Be careful," Jake warned. Marcello nodded and went to his room to freshen up. A while later, he got out of the hotel. He wanted to see if the Donna's men were following him. He wasn't naive enough believe she left them in a hotel with no monitoring. He looked around but found none, so he got to the streets of Italy.

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