Chapter - 20

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"Fuck !" Adrienna muttered under her breath. She was Mafia Donna she could certainly cook up a lie but Isa was very observant and wouldn't be convinced easily. Adrienna held out her arms and caught Isabella. She lifted her and spun her around holding her tight in her protective embrace.

"How was the movie yesterday ?" Adrienna asked still holding Isa hoping she would ignore her bloody hands. "It was great ! We also had popcorn. I had a lot of fun and ," she paused and looked at Adrienna's hands. Her eyes widened and got down on her feet. She caressed her mother's knuckles gently. " Wh-what happ-happened ?" she asked with a fearful stutter. She had seen people punch walls in anger before, they had bloody and bruised knuckles like her mother. She couldn't imagine her mother being that violent. " Sweetheart, you don't need to worry about this okay, I am okay now ," Adrienna said trying to ease Isabella's mind. " Bu-but how did it-it  happen ?" she asked still looking at Adrienna's hands.

Adrienna pulled away her hands from Isa's gaze and lied "Well, I fell from a motorbike, you really don't need to worry about all this Angioletto," she said.

"But how did you get hurt in both hands ? You would've fallen on one side right ? " Isa asked her not convinced by Adrienna's response.  Isabella wanted to inspect Adrienna's scratches on her arms which she would have sure had, if she had actually fallen down. But Adrienna was in her signature suit so her arms were covered.

Adrienna internally sighed. " You know how you can rev up a motorbike and make it stand on it's front wheel ," she asked Isa and she nodded slowly. " I revved my bike like that and lost balance .I toppled over and fell down on the ground. It was a 180-degree fall so both knuckles got hurt, babygirl. Now, leave all of this behind. Let's get breakfast," Adrienna explained and tried to grab Isabella's hand to lead her to the dining room.

"Mamma, you literally smashed your body on the floor riding a motorbike ! " Isa yelled. She didn't know from where she got the confidence to yell at her mother's face. But her Mamma hurting herself so irresponsibly angered Isabella. She did not want her Mamma to be hurt.

On the other hand, Damien and Adrienna stood dumbfounded, they never expected their shy, timid, sweet little Isa would have such an outburst. Nobody even dared to speak to Adrienna other than her family. If anyone else other than Isabella shouted at Adrienna in her face, they would be dead by now. Even if it was her brothers they would've been warned darkly. But with Isa, she just stood in shock.

Enrico was coming down the stairs and heard Isabella yell. "How the hell did Rina smash herself on a motorbike ? She doesn't " he started knowing well that she didn't ride motorbikes, but was cut off by Damien's sharp glare, immediately shutting up.

"It's not a big deal Isa, Come have breakfast ," Adrienna told Isabella sternly. Isabella shook her head firmly. Adrienna didn't show but she was indeed happy. Her daughter blatantly defied her but she wasn't afraid, rather she was firm and confident. Her daughter was no longer afraid of her anymore. Adrienna was on cloud nine but being the Mafia Donna she is, she held a stoic face.

"Isabella come," she said strictest tone she had ever used with her. She tugged Isabella's hand but she refused to move. "I will not come, I will bandage your wounds, then we can go ," Isabella said firmly. She crossed her arms on her chest to appear intimidating but it was honestly cute for Adrienna. " I have dressed them already, there is no need to bandage them, come on," she said tugging her hand again.

"I will only come if you let me bandage those wounds ," she replied defiantly. "You're so bossy, just like your Mamma," Damien said and chuckled. He was met with Adrienna's sharp glare but didn't mind.

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