Chapter - 35

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Adrienna was with Damien and Marco in the secret chamber. Luciano was out guarding the entry to the underground tunnel. The three discussed their next plan of action while waiting for the assassins to be brought. 

After a brief while, Luciano and Carlo came in with the assassins. The masks were removed and not one but many identities were revealed. 

 Adrienna and Damien were slightly taken aback seeing the assassins.

Marcello was shocked to see Adrienna, standing in front of him as the Mafia Donna. He couldn't believe the lousy woman he met a month ago was indeed the Italian Mafia Donna. It all made sense, the huge enterprise she owned, the lost daughter who was probably kidnapped.
Ignoring his racing thoughts, Marcello kept the same stoic stance seeing her. This shit is not gonna go well he thought.

Unlike Marcello, Jake's face showed signs of distress. He was always the background guy and never really saw his clients face-to-face. The tension in the room was too excruciating for him to handle. His body language changed, his eyes widened, his brows furrowed in confusion and his his shoulders slouched. He was ready to respond to his body's flight mechanism. He quickly got himself together but his fear didn't go unnoticed.

"Andrew Scott and Mr.Walter," Adrienna scoffed. She went near the assassins with her signature smirk on her face. Marcello held himself and bore into her eyes.

The other three couldn't comprehend the silent altercation between the assassins and their Donna. 

"I have to say, you've cleared your records pretty well. I couldn't find your identities in the system," Adrienna said.

Jake smirked. Thank me for that

 "Who ordered you to spy on me ?" she asked. Her eyes were deadly dark and her tone was eerily low.

"We did not spy on you Ms.Moretti," Marcello replied curtly in his most intimidating tone. 

Adrienna had a sick smile on her face. "Hasn't your mother taught you not to lie when you were a little kid ?" she mocked.

Marcello's jaw ticked, and his fists clenched, he didn't even try to hide the anger on his face. No one talks badly about his family. He wanted to tear apart the woman in front of him but the rational side of him reminded himself that he was in the Italian territory and he was outnumbered.

Adrienna loved seeing him unable to do anything against her. She loved the authority she had over people. She moved over to the hardwood table and leaned in with her hands on it. She briefly looked down at the table.

"We were on another job, we were not spying on you, Ms.Moretti. It was a coincidence," Jake said.

She looked back up and asked, "Why should I believe you ?"
She figured they weren't spying taking into account Jake's shocked and fearful expression but Adrienna wanted to see how much longer they would go on.

"We weren't spying on you, Ms. Moretti," Jake said again attempting to convince her.

"Looks like mommy didn't teach you not to lie," Adrienna said cockily.

"It's 'cause the whole fucking world does not revolve around you," Marcello's dark voice bellowed answering Adrienna's previous question. The devil in him was unleashed. He wasn't about to tolerate her comments any longer no matter the consequence. He was ready to kill.

All of the sudden the lights were out.  Marcello got into his fighting stance. Adrienna swiftly punched Jake up his jaw. He tried to fight back but she was too strong for him to handle. 

Marcello heard Jake's groan and went to help but was choked from the back. He couldn't recognize the man but elbowed the man's chest. The man stumbled backward. Damien stood in front of Marcello. Though Marcello couldn't see, he sensed someone in front of him and sent a punch. Damien got hit in his cheek. He didn't make a sound but delivered a strong punch to Marcello's gut. By this time Carlo got up, Marcello was being tackled by both the men.

Jake tried to punch with Adrienna all the strength he had, but she dodged it, leaned forward, and kicked his thigh with her shin. He fell on the floor clutching his thigh. He swept his free leg on the floor hoping to knock Adrienna off balance.

The fight went on until Marco tasered both the assassins from behind. Jake let out a scream and whimpered under the shock but Marcello fell on his knees on the floor without a noise.

The lights were switched on. Adrienna gazed at the men on her floor. Marcello looked up ande smirked seeing the purple bruise starting to form on Damien's cheek. 

 Adrienna plucked a button off Jake's shirt. "Great spy device. It was pretty hard to detect," she commented twirling the button between her fingers.

"You're the actual assassin and you're the hacker," Adreinna pointed to Marcello and Jake.

"You thought I was naive enough to let you in without a security check," she scoffed.
"This was a test to assess your abilities. You stood up pretty well," she pointed at Marcello. "But you need to learn to fight soon if you don't want to get killed," she said to Jake.

"Get up, and hand over your guns and knives," Adrienna ordered. They both complied.

"The people in this room are your team. Damien, my second-in-command, Marco, third-in-command, my right-hand men, Luciano and Carlo," she introduced them.

"There's a threat to the safety of the Italian Mafia, and I want you to assist me to find who's behind this," she briefly explained.

"Andrew Scott and Walter seem to suit you both well. You will pretend to be my men who've recently moved from America to Italy. You will blend with the other members and find out the mole. Do you understand ?"

"We don't need a team," Marcello declared.

"I am not giving you an option but an order. I've paid you, you work for me under my orders," Adrienna stated.

"Luciano and Marco will give you your background stories and other details about the mission tomorrow. You're dismissed," Adrienna announced.

The masks and noise-cancelling headphones were on and the men were taken out the door.

Hello readers !!

Now, that was a successful first meeting, wasn't it?

How was the chapter? Comment your thoughts.
I hope the fighting scene makes some sense. I tried my best to make it happen. 

Happy reading !!

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