Chapter - 15

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Adrienna POV

It was 11. We were expecting the social worker anytime now. My phone rings and I picked it up.

It was from my security team."Mam a man, Andrew Scott claiming to be a social worker wants to me you. He is outside the building."

"Escort him up to the penthouse," I said after cross-verifying him with the photo I received for identification from the foster care center. I don't really care for men but I have to say Andrew Scott looks pretty handsome.

The calling bell rings and I go open the door. There stands Andrew Scott in the middle with two of my biggest and strongest guards by his side. Usually, people would be afraid when they see my men, they are strong and intimidating even to look at. He was with them Yet, he isn't fazed by anything, he still looks more confident than ever. Actually, he looks like he is one of my men. He is wearing a formal suit. He looks to be about 6'2'' feet tall and is very muscular. His biceps are bulging out of his shirt and he'd probably have ripped abs looking at the his shirt fits them. I honestly didn't expect a social worker to be this jacked up. I have never met him before but something about feels very familiar. I just can't put a finger on it or maybe it's just a thought.

I hope Isabella isn't scared to see him. She doesn't like being around strangers especially strongly built men. She is with Damien in her room. She was too nervous to see the social workers and I didn't really want to involve her in the first place so we decided that she will be in her room till she is called. Damien is in there to reassure her and calm her down.

"Come in," I said professionally to Mr. Scott and led him to the living room. I would usually have meetings in my office, since Isa was involved we had this in the living room.

"Good morning Ms. Moretti, I am here to meet Isabella," he said clearly pointing out that she is not here.

"Mr. Scott, I don't want to involve Isabella in this conversation. She has had unpleasant experiences with social workers before and is unwilling to meet you. So she will only come when she is required. I also don't want you to question her about John, her previous foster father. He did not treat her well and she doesn't want to speak about him," I say coldly to him.

"That's understandable mam, but I will need her when required," he says stressing the last part.

"Okay, let's start," I said.

"How can we trust you with the responsibility of Isabella ?" he asked calmly like it was a normal question.

He had the audacity to ask this question. How dare he ! I was furious, usually I am great at masking my emotions, but when it comes to family it is hard. I took a breath and said, " I am her mother. I can take her responsibility better than anyone." I said trying hard to mask my anger.

"Then where were you all this time? Why was she abandoned ? " he asked calmly. I am fucking livid now ! He doesn't know what hell I have been through and he just assumes I abandoned her. Fuck no ! I definitely couldn't control my anger now and I certainly didn't try. I wanted to put a  bullet through his fucking skull. My demeanor changed, my jaw ticked and my fists clenched. 

"You don't dare come into my house and assume shit," I said angrily. I did not yell cause I didn't want to scare Isa. There was not even a look of fear in that fuckers eyes. My demeanor could send chills down a mafia man. But this mere social worker looked casual and calm. I" My daughter was not abandoned. She got lost under unexpected circumstances. I did everything in my power to search for her but I couldn't find her until now," I spit out.

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