Chapter - 19

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Adrienna had woken up Isabella from her nap. Thankfully this time she hadn't had a nightmare. She woke up and got down. She was pretty nervous. She had made little conversation with everyone except Marco. She had also not seen Damien since morning. She wanted to give everyone a good impression on her first family dinner. She gave took a deep breath and went into the dining room.

"Sit anywhere you want," Adrienna told her. She went and sat near her mother who sat at one head of the table. She was sitting across from Marco and beside Enrico.

Seating Arrangement


Isabella                   Marco

Enrico                      Dante



(I know the table in the house tour chapter is square but imagine it to be a rectangle)

After, everyone settled down some staff came down and put down the enormous dishes of food. She had never seen so much food before. A huge dish of lasagna, salad, a basket of fancy bread, and different meats were served. The maids served the food in order of age. She started with Adrienna and ended with Isabella. Everyone got themselves served large portions of food. Isabella just stared at the table. The maid looked at Isabella shocked as she was so thin. The maids served her a large portion of food in hope that she'd put on more weight. Everyone thanked the staff for the food and the staff left. Easy conversation started as everyone started eating.

"Sorry Isa, I couldn't talk to you today as I had important work that needed tending to. How was your day?" Marco asked her his full attention on Isa as he took a bite of his food.

"It was good. Dante and Enrico showed me around the house." she replied leaving the parts about the nightmare and the incident with her mother. She shuddered and gulped at the memory of both. Marco saw her fear but decided not to ask now.

"You okay ?" Adrienna asked looking at her trembling daughter. She nodded weakly and Adri put her hand calming her down. Isa slowly ate her food.

"Would you like to watch a movie with us tonight ?" Enrico asked her eagerly. She looked at her mother wanting her approval. Adri gave a nod and Isa smiled and replied," Sure."

They ate their dinner. The maids took the plates away. " Don't be up too late," Adrienna advised Dante and Enrico. " I am coming too, I don't want to miss time with my nipotina," Marco chimed ad they all went to the movie room.

All of them sat in the movie room and put on a kid-friendly animated movie and began to watch. Isabella had never really seen movies before so she was quite content. She was definitely a little on edge with the new people and everything but she enjoyed the movie.

This happens when they are watching the movie

Messing with Adrienna is like waging a war with death. You can't escape her. She is the cold, menacing, and ruthless killer she was made to be. She will catch her victims and torture them till they beg for their life. She doesn't give death easily, she tortures them till she gets bored and then kills. She is the devil herself and messing with her means digging your own grave.

If looks could kill you all of us would be dead by now. One glare from her is enough to send chills down the spine even for the strongest people.

 It was a particularly bad time to meet her right now. She was seething. She was out for a few days and problems rose up. Some petty gang had messed with her weapons shipments. No one crosses The Italian Mafia Donna. She had to show her authority now. She can very well get her shipments back, that is not the problem but someone daring to mess with her is. She was in her office commanding her soldiers to catch every member of the gang before midnight. All in the duty of taking care of the shipments were fired. She put her phone down on the table and smirked menacingly. Her mind was full of torture thoughts when she heard a knock at the door.

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