Chapter - 32

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Isabella let out a loud sigh as she entered the classroom. "It's just another day. You've seen much worse, you'll survive," she whispered to herself. She plopped her bag on her desk and sat down.

It had been a week since school started and she still couldn't make any friends or even have normal conversations with her classmates. They were all scared of her. Never in her life would she have thought that someone would be afraid of her.

She would be lying if she said that she'd never wanted some people to be afraid of her 'cause she sure did. In each of her foster homes, she wanted the so-called foster parents to fear her, like she feared them. That wish of hers is now true as those monsters dwell in the dark cells of her mother's basement but Isabella sure doesn't know that. 

Anyway, this was not the time for people to be scared of her. She wanted to feel like a normal girl but she couldn't.

She looked around and noticed that Lilliana and Sarah weren't sitting beside her, someone else was. She recognized those girls to be Illaria and Giana. They were sitting on the first row. Just like on the first day, Illaria was reading a book. Giana was determined to get Illaria's attention, she made hilarious faces in front of her face. Her face was so close that there was probably only an inch of space between their faces. Illaria didn't bother as she kept her head down intently reading her book.

Isabella perked up seeing the title of the book. "Is that 'The Human Anatomy' by Richard Walker and Rachel Caldwell?" she asked.

"Yeah, have you read it?" Illaria asked.

"Oh yeah! I love that book. The pop-up illustrations are sooo good. I never thought I'd find it in a library. I read it as soon as I got my eyes on it. I completed the book in one day, It's that good," Isabella gushed.

"I love the illustrations too. They are so fun to read compared to normal textbooks. I just got it yesterday," Illaria said with a wide grin.

"Ah, the nerds have met. What fun is reading a book?" Giana exclaimed, spitting out the word book like it was deadly venom.

"Ignore her, she doesn't understand the simple joy of reading. She doesn't have that kind of intellect," Illaria said in a playful haughty tone.

Isabella chuckled. Giana rolled her eyes and said," Whatever. I really don't know how you are my twin."

"You're twins?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah, we're fraternal twins. A lot of them don't get it since we obviously don't look alike," Illaria said.

"Fraternal twins obviously don't look alike. What do people expect?" Isabella asked annoyed at how ill-informed people are.

"Exactly, even this genius here doesn't understand it," Illaria glared at Giana and gave her a light smack upside the head.

"Hey! What was that ?" Giana rubbed her head.

"So, you like Biology?" Isabella asked Illaria.

"Like it? I love Biology. Isn't it fascinating to learn how we complex humans formed from practically nothing? I just love those evolutionary processes-" Illaria raved. Her face lit up speaking about her favorite subject but she was cut off by Giana.

Giana stood up from her seat behind Isabella and put her hand in the middle of the 'nerds' as she now called them. "Enough of the nerd talk !"

The teacher came in silencing the chattering class. The classes went on well as usual. After 4 long classes, it was finally lunch break. The time of the day students would look forward to the most but for Isabella it was different. Before it was when she was the most vulnerable out of the watch of the teachers. It was the time she'd be bullied and beaten up. It definitely wasn't the same now, but she still felt like an outcast.

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