Chapter - 10

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Damien POV

It was 4 in the morning. I groaned loudly while getting up I never really sleep much neither does Adri. I sleep only when I am extremely tired, it's the same with Adri. As usual, I didn't sleep much yesterday. I tried to sleep but I got frustrated and got up. The scene of Isa laying there covered in blood on that basement floor and Isa screaming yesterday played in my head repeatedly. My nipotina suffered so much. I know she doesn't trust us yet but we will win her trust soon. I went to the gym. I wrapped my hands and punched the bag with full force. I punched the bag till it broke. I took another punching bag and punched again, I punched it and let out all my anger on the bag, it broke too. Frustrated I went up to the penthouse.

I need to know what happened yesterday after Adri calmed Isa down. I got up and went to Adri's room to see if she was awake. I knocked twice and she didn't answer. I opened the door and stepped in, she was not in there. I went to the living room and she wasn't there. She was not in the gym either. Where is she? I walk up to Isa's room and open the door slowly being careful not to wake her. I got in and saw Adri and Isa sleeping. Adri's arm was around Isa protectively and Isa snuggled against Adri's chest. I smiled wildly on seeing them. They both looked peaceful and content. I took out my phone and clicked a few pictures of them. Of course, I would ask Isa if she was okay with the pictures I took, if she was not okay with them I would delete them. I looked at them a little longer admiring them and walked out the door closing it quietly behind me.

I got to the living room and sat on the couch. I was still smiling from what I saw. Isa trusts Adri, she let Adri sleep with her. I was happy Isa trusts her. I got up and decided to make breakfast for us. I decide to make frittata di peperoni e patate, which is basically like a big fluffy omelet with potatoes and bell peppers .I cracked open some eggs and whisked the eggs till they were fluffy, I seasoned the beaten eggs with salt and pepper. I cut up the potatoes, bell peppers, garlic and onions. I put some olive oil in a cast iron skillet and put the garlic and onion in. I cooked it till they were golden brown and then added the peppers, once they were cooked the potatoes were added. When the potatoes were fork-tender, I added the whisked eggs and covered the skillet to let everything cook. When the edges were golden brown I removed the frittata out from the pan.It smelled delicious.

Just then Rina came out and inhaled the smell of deliciousness. She let out a satisfactory sigh and asked " Hmm...You made frittata?"

"Yes sorella, I hope Isa likes it," I said.

"I am sure she will," Rina said confidently and continued," Sorry, I couldn't help you. Isa asked me to sleep with her yesterday. I didn't realize the time. I don't think I slept this peacefully in a long time."

"It's fine Rina, I am happy Isa trusts you. What happened yesterday?" I asked her.

Adrienna narrated the events of the previous night. I was infuriated. How dare do those fuckers treat my nipotina like that and for that matter how could they treat any child like that ? I knew those bastards treated Isabella terribly but every time I heard of it anger rose inside of me. I clenched my fist and I knew the vein in my temple and arms were popping out of anger. Adrienna was furious too but she controlled it better than me, she placed her hand on one of my clenched fists gesturing me to calm down and silently saying that we will handle those fuckers later. I smirked internally knowing the pain they are going to receive. I unclenched my fists , looked at Adrienna and said ,"Come let's eat, frittata will get cold."

We got up from the living room and went to the dining room. We ate some frittata and some pieces of toast. Adrienna brewed some coffee for both of us and we drank it while discussing Isa's paperwork and new plans for the business.

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