Chapter - 24

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This chapter has a mention of child abuse. I will put trigger warnings when it starts. 

Dinner was pleasant at the Moretti Mansion. Everyone made light conversation about their days. Marco and Leonardo were informed of Isabella's breakdown on the way to the doctor's office. To say that both were heartbroken was an understatement. It's sad that Isabella's past haunted her even now when she is in a happy and safe atmosphere. Dante and Enrico would not be able to process this information and would probably blame themselves for what happened to Isabella somewhere along the way. So, Adrienna decided it was best if they didn't know.

Immediately after dinner, Adrienna went to her office. She had mounds of work to do but that was not why she was there. She needed a distraction from her invasive thoughts. This was not the time to think of her terrifying 'childhood'. She had to be strong for others. She suppressed her feelings as she always did. She was close with Damien and did talk to him about this sometimes, but she knew how much it affected him to see her in pain. So, she rarely talks to anyone about these overwhelming feelings.

They were planning to expand their chain of restaurants in America. The restaurant business was very profitable. It provided a great cover-up for the Mafia. They had found a perfect location in New York to establish it. The location was in a great central area attracting a wide range of customers. It was the perfect location. There was another establishment in the same place but that wouldn't be a big problem. She'd be able to buy that place easily. She had a lot of power, it wouldn't be hard Adrienna thought. 

She had asked her PA to contact the owners of that place and arrange a meeting with them. She needed to go check that tomorrow. She finally completed all her work for the day. She made a mental list of all the work that had to be done tomorrow. It was around 2 am. She looked at the clock and let out a huge sigh.

She thought of going to bed was revolting. Her body very much needed sleep but her mind protested. Adrienna didn't have the strength to withstand a nightmare today.

Nevertheless, she got down tiredly and plopped on the bed. She would usually check on Isabella before bed but in her mental state today it just slipped her mind. "Not today, please," she whispered to herself desperately not wanting to have a nightmare. As soon as her eyes closed, darkness engulfed her and she was soon asleep.

Trigger Warning starts

Water splashed over the face of the fragile ten-year-old girl. She jolted awake. She was in the dirty old cell. It was the first time she spent a night in those dreaded cells. She didn't know why she was there. She didn't have a clue about the place. She had never been her before, it was her first time. She looked around terrified of the strange eerie surroundings. She could only make out the outline of the person standing in front of her with those dim lights.

Before she could make out who it was, she felt a fiery sting on her cheek. The man in front of her slapped her hard. She fell backward crashing onto the floor on impact. A red handprint was visible on her cheek. Tears poured out of the eyes in pain. The large calloused hand pulled her up harshly.

"My handprint looks good on your cheek," the man said darkly. "I-I will do an-anything you-you tell m-me to, p-please let-let me ou-out," the girl croaked out.

"Let you out," he laughed cynically. "You are asking me to do something for you, big mistake little girl," he said coldly sending shivers down Adrienna's spine. "No one commands me, I give out commands," he said darkly and pulled out a thin slender whip. Adrienna shuddered at its sight. He would not beat her, No he wouldn't do that to her Adrienna thought.

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