Chapter -6

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Isabella POV

Zio went out to take the call. Meanwhile, I went to my 'room', really it was the attic. It was a small room and its floor had many holes. I have seen a rat in there on more than one occasion. It was scary at the beginning but I have gotten used to it now. One end of the attic had a thin tattered mattress and a tattered blanket, both came from the streets. Near my 'bed' lay a small carton box filled with a few old clothes. They also came from the streets. Most clothes didn't fit me but that's all I had. The room was always dimly lit, which suited my mood: sad and hurting. I went in and walked towards a discrete corner of the room hidden by mops and brooms. I moved the mops and broom, slipped my thin, tiny hand through one of the holes in the floor, and took out a small box. I open the box to see a small wad of cash in it. This is the cash I had saved from doing other students' homework. I put the cash in my jeans pocket, ensuring it was not visible. I went down and sat on the couch and waited for Zio.

After a while, Zio came in. "We will go to the mall now. Okay?" he asked. I nodded my head and we went out. There were some scary people with big muscles in pristine suits. I involuntarily cowered behind Zio. He noticed me and held out his hand for me. I slipped my tiny hand into his massive one and walked up to the car. The car, the car looked so expensive. It was big and black. I have seen that car in TV ads. Only big celebrities had such cars. I looked at the car in awe. Zio looked at me and chucked. He opened the door for me and asked me to get in the front passenger seat. I did as he said still in awe of the magnificent car. Zio got in the driver's seat. He helped me put on my seat belt and we drove off. I noticed that some black cars followed us. Zio told me that they were security and asked me not to worry about them. Zio put on some music and I really enjoyed it. I was never allowed music nor did I have a phone, so listening to music was a rare event.

I liked Zio and am not as scared as I was when I first met him but I have gone to where I would start the conversation. We sat silently until Zio started the conversation," Is there anything you would like to ask about our family or life in Italy Isa ?" he asked.

I thought for a while and asked," Is there anyone else in our family other than you and Mamma?" I asked my voice quavering when I said 'our'.

"Yes bambina, you have 4 more uncles. The two youngest are very close in age to you and are like brothers to you. They have always addressed you as their sister," he stated. I was shook, four ?? I had no family and I had five uncles and mamma. Will they all like me ? What if they don't like me, Will they send me back here? I started to fluster. My eyebrows scrunched in worry and fidgeted with my hands.

Zio looked at me like he had read my mind and said," Don't worry they all love you already." He placed his hands on one of my knees and squeezed reassuringly. I looked at him and sent a small smile which he returned back.

"So do you have a hobby?" Zio asked

"Hmm....I like to read. I borrow books from the school library and read them."I said. It was only partly true as I didn't read them for fun but rather to complete the homework of seniors. I did like learning and learned a lot from them though.

"Have you been to a mall before Isa?" Zio asked with uncertainty.

"No, I was never allowed," I said sadly.

"I am sure we will have a lot of fun Bambina. If you feel uncomfortable anytime tell me. Okay ?" he said optimistic and cheery.

"Okay Zio," I said. After around 10 mins we reached the mall. I saw the black cars got here too. Zio got out and opened the door for me. I smiled at this gesture. I got out and he held out his hand for me to hold. I happily took his hand and we entered in. Zio took me to shop for clothes. He took me to very expensive shops. I didn't think I deserved it. Back with Sir, he told me I didn't deserve even torn clothes, but Zio thought differently.

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