Chapter 5

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Gemini sigh deeply because of tiredness....this is the first time he experiencing this...

The owner of the house ordered him there and here around to clean the inside and outside of the house...

Gemini is a young master who didn't do any housework before and no one ever treated him like this since he become doctor the people always please him and smile at him but the young man didn't even stop ordering him to work and work

Gemini is a genius man...He can do anything but he's so dumb and clumsy in this kind of thing...

But luckily he have patience, understandable personality so he just follow the owner of the house saying....but the owner also teaching him patiently when he doesn't know how to do it...Even the owner of the house is such a bossy and grumpy...


When Gemini hear this he see a dog who sticking his tongue to him..
Gemini can't help himself touching the dog head and dog respond to him by rubbing his head to the hand that touching him lovingly..

Suddenly Gemini hear the sound of white cane and he looked out..See the man who ordering him around till lunch break..

"Let's go to eat".Fourth said stopping to where Gemini sitting

"Eat?...You mean for lunch?..Or some food snack"..Gemini ask confused

"For lunch.... Let's go...If you don't want to..I will not force you". Fourth said then leaving


"You cooked all this...". Gemini asked surprised when he see the Four kind of food in the table

"Yes ..."


"Don't be surprised....I have been blind and living alone for over six years..So I can do this kind of thing and many things even I can't see..". Fourth said while eating his food

"Ahhh...Okay". Gemini doesn't know whether be impressed or pity the man in front of him..So he just only say this but when Gemini notice what kind of food in the table.. His hungriness gone..The food is all vegetables...

"This.......Do you have something meat food ". Gemini asked

When Fourth hear this..he smashed his fork on the table loudly..

"Whatever food is on the table..... should...... be.......eaten.......". Fourth say this word by word to Gemini...not allowing Gemini to retreat

Gemini really hate vegetables not because he allergic to it or it's bad in his body but because he hate the taste of vegetables.
That's why his body are always weak even his parents forcing him to eat vegetable...But they're never win over Gemini..

But for now Gemini can only force himself eating it...



Sorry for being dramatic in my last update...But thank you for encouraging me kha~..
I always feel like that when I feel my story are getting boring...
So please bear with me...

I will work hard to satisfied myself also my readers so thank you for reading kha😊🙏...

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