Chapter 17

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"Uhmm...Fo....Fourth..You don't need to stared at me like that". Gemini said to the man who sitting in front of him in the canteen

"Why did you call me here?."Fourth said

"Ahh..I just want to give this to you..The printed copy of rules and regulations of school..". Gemini said

"Why...You didn't give it to me when we are in the classroom". Fourth said reaching the paper in Gemini hand

"Because..You keep avoiding me there.. you really hate me". Gemini said



"It's just your fanclub keep bothering me everytime they see me with you ..They think..I'm bullying you...". Fourth said while looking at the paper

"Ahh.. Fourth.. Sorry for that...Also that day..I really want to apologize to you..It's just-"

"It's okay... It's been a month when that happened..I also become childish for glaring at you that time.. Because my personality is easy to be irritated especially to the unreasonable noisy person..And it's my mistake for blaming you to your aggressive fanclub...". Fourth said looking at Gemini

"Then..We are okay now...". Gemini said that he can't stop himself for being happy..

"Ouhm...But....say to your fanclub that I never bully you....I just want my life to be peaceful again..".

"Hahhah..Krub..Krub...". Gemini doesn't know but when the time Fourth treat him like enemy it's bother him so much...


"Ohoii... Look at the two rival..since when were they close to each other..."

"When we become rival Ai'Winny?...". Gemini said who getting closer where his friends sitting

"Ah..Ah...Stop teasing them pumpkin...Uhmm....Fourth...I think both of you are okay now...Let us introduce ourself to you properly...We are friends of Gemini..I'm satang krub..". Satang said shaking hand toward fourth.. Fourth shake hand too on Satang

"Hello..I'm also Gemini friend.. I'm Winny krub..".Winny said smiling

"and we are boyfriends". Satang Said suddenly kissing Winny cheeks.

"Ehemm". Gemini clearing his voice loudly how this two love-birds shameless showing off.

"Hello..Krub..I'm fourth Nattawat krub.."Fourth said smile slightly..


"Ohhh.. Fourth..Is that your book..?".Winny said pointing at the book in the table where Fourth sitting

"Ah.. This...Yes...".

"Wow...You know..That is the book that I want to find in any book store..But they say that book is not available anymore...Where do you find it...".Winny said

"Ahh...My Grandma.
bought this book to me since I'm still in kindergarten...". Fourth looking at book fondly

"That book... It's that a law book..You want to be a lawyer...". Gemini said who looking at the book Fourth holding

"Ouhm". Fourth said hesitating to answer

"Eyy...Why are you hesitating..I think you're qualified to become lawyer ah...Me and Satang too want to take the course of lawyer in college...".Winny said encouraging Fourth

"Yes.. Fourth..It's good to know..We have another person that want to be lawyer.... Someday we can be together three of us in college.. Let's leave Gemini alone hahhahah....". Satang said teasing Gemini

"Why..What course you will take Gemini in college".. Fourth said looking at Gemini

"Ahhh..A doctor..". Gemini said smiling

"This person are really addicted in medical stuff you know...He even sometimes forget he have class to attend when he in laboratory to experiment about medicine or whatever..".Winny said.

When Fourth look at Gemini he feel like Gemini are not confident enough on his own course..


When Winny and Satang are first to go home... Gemini accompany fourth going in his dorm.. Because it's also close to the parking lot..

"Gemini..Thank you for accompanying me here..". Fourth said looking at Gemini

"It's nothing..Then..See you tomorrow Fourth...". Gemini said ready to leave but Fourth suddenly call him again..

Doctor is a cool proffession and
I think you can be successful doctor someday...".


Sorry I'm  not fan of misunderstanding hahhaha..So that's why both of them are okay now hahhah..

Thank you for reading kha☺️

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