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Awww..I finally finished my second story kha🥲🥺..

Actually when I writing this story it's comes to my mind not to finish this anymore


Because This author of yours is easily to feel insecure to other writer...(I'm sorry kha😔)
I want to stopped myself for being insecure but sometimes I can't stop it and feeling down about myself..My writing..My plot
It's so challenging to cheer myself up but writing story is the thing I love to do...🥺

And if you notice my story have no intimate scene or so much detail in kissing scene(nahh..It's only a peck kiss right hahha) That's why I doing everything I can to improve my plot..(🥲but I still think is not enough hahha)

To all readers who keep supporting me and reader who silent reading my story...Thank you so much...🥰
You'll motivated me and cheer me whenever I feel down and unmotivated...

And about my next story..I will take my rest first kha and comeback again... Please wait for me🥺...

But I will  publish the title and description already of the new story kha So just only wait for the chapter to start again..(If you're interested 😁)

Again..Thank you so much for reading  ☺️

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