Chapter 9

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"Oiiii..N'Fourth...Yes.. I'm Rakin.. Can't you recognized my beautiful voice now hah..I'm so upset right now".Rakin said who already waiting to the two man outside of the House Gate.

"Ohh.. Sorry Phi..I didn't mean not to recognize you.. It's just..I taught Auntie are the one who will go in my house.."Fourth asked confused

"No kha~~..My Mae are so busy right now..So I'm the one who will take the vegetables that you harvest..".Rakin said

"You Phi?..... Alone?.."

"Of course not..I have two person will help me".Rakin said

"Ha?.. Gemini...Did you see anyone with him?..". Fourth ask Gemini


"Of course..The two of you will help me".


When Rakin said that they were forced to be integrated into the marketplace..

"Phi..We already help you carrying the harvest vegetables..Why do we need to accompany you here?". Fourth said to the busy Rakin selling the vegetable

"Ohoiii... N'Fourth...kha~~..Do you see how many costumer buying my vegetable today.. Because I have both of you...They want to buy because they want to glimpse how good looking my model are.."Rakin said who happily counting money the she sold

"Tchh..This Phi..You really use your business mind hah.. Ai'Gemini.. I'm sorry.. Sometimes P'Rakin really do this..When it's my first time living here before..He even make me sing in front of people just to sold her vegetables..". Fourth said shaking his head

"Hahaha.. It's okay...It's fun to be outside too in the house..So sometimes.. Let's go for a walk here.."Gemini said looking to the bustling people that is different to city..

When Fourth heard this Gemini didn't noticed fourth smile slightly because fourth first time hearing again that somebody want to accompany him..
But suddenly there a loud noise that attract other people attention including their group...



Thank you for reading 😊

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