𝐕𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐃

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Knocking on the Hudson household's door for the third time, Cynthia was seriously considering throwing a brick through Finn's window to wake him up

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Knocking on the Hudson household's door for the third time, Cynthia was seriously considering throwing a brick through Finn's window to wake him up. "Finn, I swear to god if you don't open the door now, I am going to take your drumsticks and shove them so far-oh hi, Mrs. Hudson." Cynthia greeted the woman as the door swung open, chuckling nervously.

"Hi, sweetheart. Finn is just getting ready." She moved aside, letting Cynthia in. "You can go upstairs and knock on his door. If he doesn't come down, I can give you a ride." Cynthia smiles at the kind offer but refuses it. "No. It's ok. I know the school is out of your way from work. I'm just going to check if he's up now." Cynthia tells the matriarch of the house as she walks up the stairs.

Reaching his room door, Cynthia knocks on the door, calling his name out. Getting no response from the other side, she does so again. Sighing, she places her hand on the door knob. "Dude, are you like praying or something? Is that why you are not answering me? Oh, for the love of God." She swings the door open only to find the boy, dressed for school but asleep and snoring on the bed.

Placing her bag next to the door, she walks to the head of the bed, hands on her hips. She can't deny that he looked cute when he slept, with a slight drool near his mouth. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Cynthia began to think about her next move. Knowing that calling him won't work. She was pretty sure Finn could sleep through an earthquake. The boy didn't have many throw pillows for her to hit him with. Glancing at the hallway door, she glanced at the bathroom before looking back at the boy sleeping, her eyebrows raising.

His dream where he was sleeping like before was interrupted when Finn woke up to something wet falling on his face. Opening his eyes, the first thing he sees is a figure, wearing a denim overall and white shirt, holding a cup.

"Good morning, Sunshine." The voice greeted him and offered him a face towel. Wiping his face, his vision becomes a bit clearer, as he is now able to see his friend standing next to the bed.

"Crap. What time is it?" He asked, sitting up from the bed, his voice slightly scratchy. 

"We have ten minutes till homeroom. I am already late as it is. So we need to leave now so we can make it in time."

"Then why don't you go? Why the hell are you here?" Finn asks, groaning, tiredness laced in his voice. Cynthia, in return, just gives him an annoyed look. "You baboon! You are my ride, remember? My car is in the auto shop. I told you last night."

Finn just grabs his bag from near the bed and walks out, prompting Cynthia to do the same, but not before picking up his car keys from the dresser near the door. The two walked to his car, but before he could open the driver's seat, Cynthia, locking the main door, jogged up to his side and nudged him away.

"Nah nah nah. I'm driving. I have no plans of dying because you feel asleep on the wheel." Too tired to argue, he walked over to the passenger side of his truck while Cynthia got in and started the car. Once the boy entered the vehicle, he proceeded to lean against the window, closing his eyes, making Cynthia sigh in concern for her friend.

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