The Housemaid - Chapter Five

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NOTE: Sincerely hope you enjoy this one because I couldn't stop laughing while I wrote it! And maybe spaz...


“Finally! I was about to file a missing report on you two,” Sandy said as Christine and Lyla walked into the room.

Lyla laughed. “Ha ha, very funny. Can we just get this fitting over with?”

Sandy was wearing a black version of the uniform she was wearing yesterday, with her hair up in a ponytail. She watched the two young girls walk over to her in the corner of the library, where a dress screen stood. “You just want to have another long chat with Nathan, do you?”

“Not exactly…” Lyla blushed. Christine smiled at her, obviously knowing why. She turned to Sandy and greeted her hello.

“So glad you’re here…unharmed.” Sandy replied. She must have been referring to the noise the boys made earlier with their Nerf guns. “Anyhow, we’re going to measure you two first, and by the end of the day, we’ll have your uniforms ready. I should also note…”

Christine and Lyla looked at her, waiting to hear more; Sandy didn’t look too happy.

“…That the boys have requested for you two to put on a little fashion show in the living room in your newly customized uniforms. I don’t agree with this either, but we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

Christine blinked. This was not what she signed up for. She frowned at the thought of wearing the one Sandy is wearing right now. On the other hand, Lyla looked a little too excited. “Ooh, what will our uniforms look like?!”

“Not like mine, of course…” At the same time the two girls both made a collective sigh of relief. Sandy eyed them. “It’s something the boys and I agreed on. You’ll see it when it’s ready. In the meantime…our tailor is waiting behind the dress screen. Christine, would you like to go first?”

“O-Oh, uh, sure…” Christine smiled softly as she walked behind the dress screen. From there she saw a tall, skinny woman with a black, short bob haircut, big glasses, and was wearing casual clothes.

“Up!” She piped up, gesturing her to the stand. Christine obeyed and stood where she told her to.  She watched the quiet lady measure her arms, bust, and waist. Awkwardly she stood, until she felt the lady poke her to get off the stand. “You are finished.”

“…Uh, thanks…” Christine gave her a polite smile before leaving the dress screen. As she walked out of the dress screen, she saw a few manly bodies peeking through the library room door. There was a wink from one of them, and it was directed to her. She thought it must have been the trick of the light, but it was definitely a wink.

“Are you done now, Chris…?” Lyla stood next to her and followed her gaze. She immediately dropped her shoulders and groaned. “Those pervs!”

“Where’s your aunt?” Christine asked, still watching the boys pushing each other and trying to get a look at them. She turned to Lyla and noticed she was smiling.

“Don’t you have anything else to do!” They heard Sandy out in the hallway. “Max, go help Tom with the chores! You, too Nathan, Siva!” The two girls giggled to themselves as Sandy made her way back into the room. “Impatient little children!”

“Why is Tom doing chores, Aunt Sandy?” Lyla asked curiously.

Sandy ignored her for a moment. “Have you had your fitting yet, Delilah?”

“No. But why—”

“Next!” She and Christine were startled when the skinny lady called for Lyla. Sandy pushed her niece to go forward. She gave her aunt a look and followed orders.

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