The Housemaid - Chapter Six

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NOTE: You guys asked for it is. :)

And if you're wondering about the picture on the right...that is the uniform for

the duo housemaids. Let me know what you guys think of it!


Later that day, the band left the house to do a photo shoot and interview for a famous magazine, leaving the house staff to wander around the house on their own. Christine met the kitchen staff (Greg the chef, Erin the other chef, and Jenna and Matt, who were both the kitchen and dining servers), and the outdoor staff, who only come every weekend to work on the front and backyard. They were all there for their uniform fittings, too.

Christine found herself sticking with Jenna and Matt, who were both a little older than she was—24—but they seemed very nice. They both happen to be old colleagues that went to the same college a few years back.

She sat with them outside by the pool, sitting on the lounge chairs while they told her stories of their first week at The Wanted mansion.

“Just the other day—Wednesday—they threw out their first house party. It was crazy.” Matt shook his head. “Like you can’t even believe…it was for me.”

Christine looked at him strange. This guy was as tall as Siva, and has that model-fit body. Perhaps he was a past celebrity, which made the band throw him a party. “Was it your birthday, or…”

“No, it was actually for the kitchen staff—Greg, Tasha, me, and Matt—but Greg and Tasha aren’t the party type, so Matt and I came…” Jenna replied. Christine scratched that thought out of her head. “But, oh, wait…that was when Tasha was kicked out. She wasn’t very nice, anyway…”

Christine got who they meant. She nodded slowly. “The girl that…Tom…”

“How do you know that? Wow, people talk around here. Don’t they, Jen?” Matt looked at his pretty friend; they nodded at each other.

Christine watched the two, almost feeling like the third wheel; Matt and Jenna clearly knew each other very well, but as they were both attached to each other, it felt as though they were trying to intimidate her since she was new. “Sandy. S-Sandy told me. She…she warned me and Lyla about…”

“Sandy, that sweetheart.” Jenna smiled. “Her niece, however, not so much…”

“Who, Lyla?” Matt asked. “Oh yeah, if there’s anyone you should stay away from here, it’s Lyla. You’ve met her, yeah?”

Christine sat up straight, intrigued. The way they spoke about Lyla made her want to know more about her. “Uh, yeah, I have. All I know is that she’s a huge fan of the band and—”

Matt and Jenna began to laugh. Christine pressed her lips together to keep from clawing her hands at them for not making her feel welcome.

“Huge fan my ass!” Jenna giggled. “That girl’s just after one thing: Tom Parker. Trust me. She’s not here for the job. That’s why she begged her beloved aunt to come work with her. She already ruined Tom and Ashley’s relationship!”

Christine did not know what to make of what they said about Lyla. It sounded like they were all talk. But she listened in anyway; she wanted to be able to socialize with anyone in the house, now that they will be living with each other, and maybe even rooming.

“Believe it or not, my friend Nessa works at the bar that the band always hang out at, and she always sees Lyla forcing everyone out of her way to see Tom. It was cute at first, but from many observations, she’s one person to stay away from.”

The Housemaid [in edit]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora