The Housemaid - Chapter Thirty-One

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IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm sad to announce that this story will end soon. This isn't the last chapter, but I know the next parts are now limited. I'm surprised this story has gotten this far, and I'm glad you're all enjoying it! 

I should also note that this isn't because of what went on with the band last week (dear, dear, please let's not remind ourselves), however it did affect me hard, which made me push back in working on the story. Thankfully, I regrouped myself yesterday and started working on this chapter. It was bursting to come out, despite the situation. I hope you enjoy reading this, as usual. :)

 ALSO! This chapter is dedicated to my 60th follower, @happily826! Enjoy it, love. :)

31: Follow Your Heart

“Welcome to our humble abode!”

Eric greeted the five boys and Christine into their big apartment, showing them the already open couch bed in the living room. 

“So this is where three of you will be sleeping. We have an extra couch chair there that can also be a one-person bed—”

The five boys scrambled for that one spot on the chair. Tom was the first to sit, and gave them all a huge grin. “Take that, suckas!”

“…Moving on.” Eric eyed Christine. She giggled. 

Tom placed his duffle bag on the chair as he and the boys followed her. Christine saw that Max, Siva, and Jay already settled their bags on the couch bed, which, once again, left Nathan out of place.

“The kitchen’s through here. Help yourself with water or tea and snacks. There’s a couple of beers, but take those up on the roof.” Eric explained to the boys while they passed through the open door that led to the kitchen. They stopped before the small hallway. “My room’s down the hall; the bathroom’s right here—” He pointed to the door next to the kitchen, and to the door across from it. “Ben’s—who’s sleeping, don’t bother him—right here. And lastly…”

Christine walked past him a few more steps and entered the room in the middle. She turned the lights on and sat on her bed. She watched as the boys peeked in her room, waiting for them to realize what they have been missing. 

“This is Chris’s and Joanna’s room. As you can see, Jo’s not here right now, so…we have an extra bed.” Eric said.

Max, Siva, and Tom, were disappointed to find out about this. Jay didn’t even bother. Nathan, however, smirked the whole time.

“Say, Nath, I do believe you don’t have anywhere to sleep.” Christine stood up from her bed and pulled Nathan from the boys’ huddle. 

“Can we switch?” Tom asked the moment Nathan was dragged in the room.

Christine and Nathan snickered. Eric gave him a look, which made Tom retreat his question. 

“Let Nathan settle in now, won’t you?” Christine playfully pushed everyone out and locked the door. She turned around and watched Nathan place his bag against Joanna’s bed and plopped down with a light moan. She chuckled. “Getting comfy in my sister’s bed, are you?”

Joanna’s bed was the softest, most comfy in the apartment, so Christine wasn’t surprised Nathan got the best place to sleep in. His eyes were closed. “Are you sure she won’t mind?”

“Well…she’s definitely in for a surprise when she comes home tomorrow.” Christine sat on the end of the bed, next to Nathan’s foot. “But no, she doesn’t mind…pretty sure she’s not going to wash these sheets for a while either.”

“Right…she’s a fan.” He chuckled to himself, opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

Christine let the silence kick in between them. She placed both her hands on her lap, her fingers twitching from time to time. It had been a while since she last spent time with Nathan, and after the big reveal, she wasn’t sure how they were going to go back to their friendship. She said quietly to herself. “…I miss this.”

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