The Housemaid - Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I'm happy with this chapter; it was inspired by the movie John Tucker Must Die...


“Christine, I’d like you to meet Penny.” Tom gestured Christine to Penny, the cute, slender Filipino girl who had annoyed her earlier. “Penny, Christine; Christine, Penny.”

“Hi!” Penny grinned as she took both Christine’s hands. “Wow…it’s nice to finally properly meet you; it’s no wonder Jay’s so intrigued by you!” 

Christine smiled nervously. She wasn’t sure if she meant that sarcastically or seriously. This really must’ve been awkward for Jay right now. “Uh, likewise.”

Penny giggled. “I suppose you’d like to meet the rest of the girlfriends? You are one of us now, right?" 

Girlfriends. The thought of that made Christine immediately uncomfortable after the band’s whole explanation about the situation, but she kept her smile on and pretended like nothing was wrong. “I-I…”

“Pen.” Tom called out.

Penny laughed lightly. “What?”

“Can I have a minute?”

“But I’m gonna—”

Now.” He ordered. Penny excused herself with Christine and went over with Tom to the corner of the room. Christine noticed Jay was still standing nearby awkwardly, as if he was waiting to speak to Penny—or her.

“I’m gonna…get some fresh air,” Christine told Jay, “I’ll be right back.”

“Sure.” Jay replied. 

Christine walked out of the room, looked both ways to see that the aisles were empty, and immediately walked quickly towards the entrance, hoping to catch her brother in sight. The fact that she had just been in a room with men who told her something big, she wanted to escape for a while and let it all out to Eric outside.

She found Eric having a conversation with the older plump lady at the front desk with a book. She walked over to him and saw a thick leather-bound book between them. “Grimm’s Fairy Tales,” it reads.

Eric caught her eye and smiled. “A collector’s edition. Thought this could be a good book for Joanna’s birthday coming up.”

For a moment Christine smiled at her brother’s sweet present for Joanna; she knew Joanna will love Eric for this present. Her birthday was going to be very special.

But then she remembered why she wanted to see him in the first place; her smile disappeared. She heaved a breath, turning to the lady, “Miss—”

“Kelly, my dear,” said the lady in a Filipino accent, “You must be Christine. Your brother told me of your love for books.”

“Yes,” Christine chuckled timidly, “A-Are the boys anywhere? Max, Siva…Nathan?”

She shook her head. “They followed Haley behind the kitchen for food. Why, are you looking for them?”

“No—I-I just…” Christine frowned. “If they come to look for me, tell them I left. Tell them I’m not feeling well o-or something—”

Kelly placed her hands between one of hers, and gave her a warm smile. “I know. Your secret’s safe with me.”

Eric watched this scene in confusion. Christine stared at her in bewilderment. “U-Um…thanks.”

She nodded towards the door. “Go on. And the first books purchases you make the next time you come to visit are on me.”

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