The Housemaid - Chapter Thirty-Three + Epilogue

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NOTE: The final chapter.

Oh. My. God.

I don't even know what to say. Except there is an epilogue attached at the end of the chapter.

I sincerely hope you will find this final post for the story satisfying and...relieving? 

All I can say is...thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading. I can't believe this is over. Totally bittersweet.

Thank you thank you thank you. <3

Aaaand. Finally, the final dedication for this story goes to foxes38! Thank you so much for reading and all of your sweet comments you leave after every post. You're awesome! <333

33—What now?

The day has come: the sun rose high on that faithful Monday, the day Christine and the band had anticipated all weekend long. Since Tom’s unexpected tantrum, they never did settled on a plan, and that was okay—whatever happens today, Christine was ready for it.

Christine parked on the sidewalk, the same spot where she first parked on the day of the job fair. Her car was the only one parked there. She decided not to wear her uniform yet, just to be prepared for the worse.

Ever since Erin mentioned that Sandy "had gone to Hawaii for vacation,” and since the band left her, the last few days have definitely been stressful. It was less stressful once the band explained what was going on, but that was, in fact, a huge game changer. It gave Christine a chance to open her eyes about what she really wanted in life, her goals, and whether she wanted to have it was with or without someone. She chose the latter, but somehow, something was still missing.

Walking towards the house between the block shaped bushes along the walkway, up to the front steps brought back little memories—memories of her anxiety, a short stroll with Jay to her car, and sitting with Siva and Nathan while they try to comfort her. They were sweet and amusing reminisces of her beginning at the Wanted mansion. She was actually going to miss having those moments, knowing that she might not have them again.

As she reached the front door, she noticed it was already partly open. 

She also saw Nathan sitting on the bench nearby, with an ice pack over his cheek. When he turned his head to look at her, she noticed a purple bruise under the ice pack. “Oh, my God…Nath—”

She went over to him with her heart racing. “Nathan, what happened?!”

“Don’t worry about me,” He tried to wave her off, “I’m fine—”

“No, you’re not! You have a big purple thing on your face!” 

“Oh, this…” He winced when Christine took a hold of the ice pack and slightly pushed it further on his cheek. “Ah…yeah, we sort of caused something inside early this morning.”

“How did you get…this?” She asked.

“Aaron tried to throw a punch at Seev, but I covered for him.” He winced again. “In fact…we’ve all got bruises and scratches everywhere. Tom threw the biggest tantrum in the history of Tom tantrums.” He looked to her. “...It’s happened already.”

Christine’s eyes widened. So there was no Ryan or Zoe. That was a relief. She had been anticipating this day for so long, she never realized that the band could’ve told Aaron off earlier than expected.

“So…what happened was that…Aaron had already scheduled a new job fair for today…at another mansion, and Tom went nuts. Jay and I tried to reason with Aaron that they wanted you and Faye to stay, which set Aaron off because we ‘clearly haven’t learned our lessons.’ Max spilled the beans to everyone—and I mean everyone was up early this morning. He told everyone about the bet he and Sandy made on you.”

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