The Housemaid - Chapter Twenty-Four

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NOTE: SURPRISE! I've been on a roll this week with this chapter, and I figured to finish it before I continue studying. I'm pretty sure with the weeks ahead I won't get a chance to update as much like this with me.

So I hope you like this chapter...

24: Better In Time

Christine slowly walked over to the active group near the entrance. A soft smile appeared on her face when Nathan caught her eye; everyone else then turned their attention to her, which chilled her to the bones. She hadn’t confronted them all together since her speech this morning.

“Hey guys…” She smiled nervously. She briefly glanced at Jay, who walked around the small crowd near the back, where Tom stood.

“Hey Chrissy, come here you.” Max gestured her towards him with his arms open. Christine let herself in his arms for his bear hug and a kiss on the head. He pulled away slightly, with his gray eyes on hers and his hands between her face. “You alright now? You good?”

Christine smiled at his sweet, brotherly-like concerns. She also liked how he called her ‘Chrissy.’ She nodded. “Yes, Max, I am…thank you.”

He began to fiddle with her ear before she turned to Siva, which she also found cute. Siva wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back, “If you need someone else to talk to, let me know. I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through.”

“Thanks.” She mumbled in his chest. She realized that they were slowly reacting to the speech she gave them this morning, which warmed her heart; she also understood what Sandy meant when she said the band needed someone like her.

Nathan came next, and gave her a kiss on the cheek before he hugged her. “I’m proud of you, Chris…we all are. We know it couldn’t have been easy for you to do what you did earlier.”

“We deeply apologize for making your life difficult in the last two weeks…” Christine heard Tom say.

“Like the flyer said, we can be complicated lads…” Siva added with a light chuckle.

“But in spite of all of that,” Jay concluded, “We’re here for you.”

Christine exhaled a breath; she was genuinely touched by all of their words. Having a group of friends who actually cared about her was a special thing she will hold forever. “Thank you all…so much.”

No matter what ordeal she’s going through with the band, like avoiding Jay and Tom, she still cares for them. Nathan took her hand to hold, a sign to say that everything will be okay. She looked to Erin, Vada, Faye, and Millie, who stood nearby. They agreed and stood by what the band members said.

“Ditto.” Erin replied with a smile.

“I’m glad you decided to let me make it up to you by attending our gig,” Max said, “Because it’ll be all for you; you won’t regret it.”

And Max was right. As if the band’s kind and sweet words weren’t enough, she even got a mention during their show later that night. Standing in the VIP balcony with her fellow coworkers, Christine fought so hard not to cry, but she did. And they noticed.

The worst part, it was Tom who spoke to the crowd about her.

“So this next song we’re gonna perform is a song we actually haven’t performed in a while…” Tom began.

“We literally decided to add it to the set list last minute during rehearsals.” Jay said.

“The reason for that is because…we’d like to dedicate this song to a special girl we know called Chris.”

The Housemaid [in edit]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα