AUTHOR'S NOTE - 1,000 reads

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I don't know where to start. I started writing this in February right around the time when The Wanted announced that they will be filming a reality show for E!. I just had the idea of what it would be like if they had housemaids working in their house. I thought of having this girl with a broken past being one of the housemaids...and up to this point of the story, we're now seeing her past slowly unfold. I also had an idea of who her endgame was going to be, but as of right now, it's undecided. We're (still) seeing how she interacts with each of the boys. Honestly, you haven't seen most of it yet... ;)

I never thought that this fanfic would be read by so many people--never thought people would like it as much, either. I never expected in a span of three months this story would get to 1,000 reads in 11 chapters. I don't think Secrets (the first TW fanfic I wrote on here) reached 1,000 reads until maybe four months. But somehow now it's up to 2,000+ reads in 21 chapters...I don't believe it. I still feel insecure about my writing sometimes, but seeing that people comment on my stories in general, and liked/voted for them, it means the world to me.

So I'd like to thank you--THE READERS--for your spazzy comments, feedbacks, votes, and adding this story to your reading list. I also especially thank you for telling others fans of The Wanted about this fanfic, as well (if you haven't, go tell them!!!) I sincerely do appreciate all of you for your support and also inspiring me to continue on with the story....I hope you're enjoying the story as it is right now and hope you'll continue to read and enjoy what I write in the near future.

I also like to thank @MocaCollita for helping me with the idea of this story, too. Love you, Much!! <3

Last, but not least, come follow me on Twitter (find cementedwords) if you want to keep in touch with me, talk about my stories, or on occasion...spaz about The Wanted. :)

And finally....Jaytine, Tomine, Sivatine, Maxine, Nathine, or Wantine...who's it gonna be?

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